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Now showing items 1-20 of 2480
Drivers of increased soil erosion in East Africa’s agro-pastoral systems: changing interactions between the social, economic and natural domains
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 19-06-18)Increased soil erosion is one of the main drivers of land degradation in East Africa’s agricultural and pastoral landscapes. This wicked problem is rooted in historic disruptions to co-adapted agro-pastoral systems. ... -
Rise in erythropoietin concentrations in experimental Trypanosoma congolense infection of calves
(Elsevier Ltd, 1995-11)A bioassay was used to measure erythropoietin (EPO) concentrations in calves with haemorrhagic anaemia due to blood loss and in calves with anaemia due to Trypanosoma congolense infection. The bioactivity of EPO was measured ... -
Modifications of the hydrophilicity of heterocyclic methacrylate copolymers for protein release
(Elsevier, 1995-12)A series of copolymers comprising ethyl methacrylate (EM) and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) gelled with either THFMA monomer or hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) monomer have been developed. In this paper, we ... -
CD5+ B lymphocytes are the main source of antibodies reactive with non-parasite antigens in Trypanosoma congolense-infected cattle
(Blackwell Science Ltd, 1997)Mice infected with African trypanosomes produce exceptionally large amounts of serum IgM, a major part of which binds to non-trypanosome antigens such as trinitrophenol and single-strand DNA. In this paper, we describe ... -
The water uptake of poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate)
(Elsevier, 1999-03)Poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate) possesses some unique characteristics with respect to its biocompatibility and behaviour in water. The water uptake is high (>70%) and very slow (over 3 yr), but the material remains ... -
Trypanosome non-specific IgM antibodies detected in serum of Trypanosoma congolense-infected cattle are polyreactive
(Elsevier Science, 1999-07-01)Serum Ig from Trypanosoma congolense-infected cattle were affinity-purified using immobilised trypanosome or non-trypanosome antigens (ß-galactosidase, cytochrome C and ferritin). The bound and unbound IgG and IgM fractions ... -
A polymeric system for the intra-oral delivery of an anti-fungal agent
(Elsevier Science Ltd., 2001)Oral candidal infections are often persistent and intractable and thus the aim of this study was to develop a polymeric sustained release device to improve the topical treatment of these infections. A self curing system ... -
Local skin reaction (chancre) induced following inoculation of metacyclic trypanosomes in cattle by tsetse flies is dependent on CD4 T lymphocytes
(Blackwell Science Ltd, 2003)The first visible response in livestock to the bite of a trypanosomeinfected tsetse fly is the formation of a localized skin reaction, also known as a chancre. This is an inflammatory response in the skin associated ... -
Wastewater Treatment and other Research Initiatives with Vetiver Grass
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2003)This paper described the role of substrate (soil) with respect to the type of macrophytes (plants) planted in the wastewater treatment in Horizontal Subsurface Flow (HSSF) Constructed wetlands (CWs). Wastewater parameters ... -
Speeding up of GA optimization process for patch antenna design
(IET Digital Library, 2007)The use of genetic algorithm (GA) integrated with method of moments (MoM), for the optimization design in electromagnetic engineering has gained much popularity in recent days [3]. Two of the main problems faced by designers ... -
Mycobacterium bovis in rural Tanzania: Risk factors for infection in human and cattle populations
(Elsevier Ltd., 2007-01)Although bovine tuberculosis is widespread throughout Africa, very little is known about risk factors for Mycobacterium bovis infection in either human or cattle populations. A human case–control study was conducted in ... -
Genetic variants of CYP3A5, CYP2D6, SULT1A1, UGT2B15 and tamoxifen response in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer
(Springer Nature, 2007-01-23)Introduction Tamoxifen therapy reduces the risk of recurrence and prolongs the survival of oestrogen-receptor-positive patients with breast cancer. Even if most patients benefit from tamoxifen, many breast tumours either ... -
Modeling the proteome of a Marek's disease transformed cell line: a natural animal model for CD30 overexpressing lymphomas.
(Proteomics, 2007-04-18)Marek's disease (MD) in the chicken, caused by the highly infectious MD alpha-herpesvirus (MDV), is both commercially important and a unique, naturally occurring model for human T-cell lymphomas overexpressing the Hodgkin's ... -
Genetic Algorithm Optimization for Broadband Patch Antenna Design
(IEEE, 2007-10-15)A genetic algorithm (GA) optimization design of patch antenna has been performed using surface integral equation (SIE), method-of-moments (MoM) solution. The electromagnetic engine procedure is based on the Matlab code by ... -
Theoretical study of the structure and stability of the Na2Cl+, NaCl 2−, Na3Cl 2+, and Na2Cl 3− ions
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2007-11)The geometrical parameters, normal vibration frequencies, and thermochemical characteristics of the Na2Cl+, NaCl 2−, Na3Cl 2+, and Na2Cl 3− ions in saturated vapors over sodium chloride were calculated by the ab initio ... -
GA/MoM optimization of PIFA antennas with meandering slits
(IET Digital Library, 2007-11-16)The optimization of a mobile antenna by genetic algorithm (GA) can be done in many ways, e.g. by random removal of rectangles on the patch radiator, movement of shorting patches, etc. In this paper we will demonstrate the ... -
Optimization of Multiple-Short PIFA for Broadband Communication
(IEEE, 2007-12-26)As wireless systems gain wider acceptance and enjoy increased application, performance and cost constraints on the wireless system antennas become more difficult to meet. In this context, antennas that are small in size, ... -
CD14+ cells are required for IL-12 response in bovine blood mononuclear cells activated with Toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 and TLR8 ligands
(Elsevier, 2008)Single-stranded viral RNA (ssRNA) was recently identified as the natural ligand for TLR7 and TLR8. ssRNA sequences from viruses, as well as their synthetic analogues stimulate innate immune responses in immune cells from ... -
Calculation of the Thermodynamic Characteristics of Ions in Vapor over Sodium Fluoride
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2008-01)The geometric parameters, normal vibration frequencies, and thermochemical characteristics of the ions present in vapor over sodium fluoride, Na2F+, Na3F 2+, NaF 2−, and Na2F 3−, were calculated ab initio by the Hartree-Fock ... -
The neoplastically transformed (CD30hi) Marek’s disease lymphoma cell phenotype most closely resembles T-regulatory cells
(Springer-Verlag, 2008-02-07)Introduction Marek’s disease (MD), a herpesvirus-induced lymphoma of chickens is a unique natural model of CD30- overexpressing (CD30hi) lymphoma. We have previously proposed that the CD30hi neoplastically transformed ...