Life sciences and Bio-engineering: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 1150
Variability in body weight and morphology of Uganda’s indigenous goat breeds across agroecological zones
(PLOS ONE, 2024-01-02)Indigenous goat breeds in Uganda are classified based on average body size parameters and coat color. However, variations in the body size of animals may be influenced by several factors, including management and the ... -
Health professionals’ knowledge on dengue and health facility preparedness for case detection: A cross-sectional study in Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaHealth professionals’ knowledge on dengue and health facility preparedness for case detection: A cross-sectional study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
(PLOS, 2023-11-21)Dengue presents a growing public health concern in the Dar es Salaam region of Tanzania, marked by the recurring incidence of outbreaks. Unfortunately, there is little information available on the region’s preparedness in ... -
Correlating food and nutritional patterns with cancers in the pediatric oncology population at two specialized hospitals in Tanzania
(Springer nature, 2024-01-11)Background This study of nutritional patterns in relation to cancers among pediatric oncology population in Tanzania was motivated by the lack of up-to-date information about the nutritional practices, the controversy ... -
Solvothermal liquefaction of orange peels into biocrude: An experimental investigation of biocrude yield and energy compositional dependency on process variables
(Elsevier, 2024-01)The efficient valorization of biomass for energy-derived biocrudes is essential for effective waste management. However, the production of biocrudes with high energy and reduced oxygen contents during the liquefaction ... -
Chromosome-scale assembly of the African yam bean genome
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2023-11-01)Genomics-informed breeding of locally adapted, nutritious, albeit underutilised African crops can help mitigate food and nutrition insecurity challenges in Africa, particularly against the backdrop of climate change. ... -
Review on the secondary metabolites, biological properties, and ethnomedicinal uses of the component species of the buheri wa afya formula used to treat COVID-19 in Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2023-11-18)Background: It has proven difficult to treat viral infections like SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 that cause severe respiratory disorders with the currently available medications. Alternative strategies for combating ... -
Prevalence and risk factors for human leptospirosis at a hospital serving a pastoralist community, Endulen, Tanzania
(PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2023-12-20)Background Leptospirosis is suspected to be a major cause of illness in rural Tanzania associated with close contact with livestock. We sought to determine leptospirosis prevalence, identify infecting Leptospira serogroups, ... -
Valorization of palm oil wastes into oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus HK-37) and biogas production
(Qeios, 2023-10-04)Continued growth of oil palm cultivation for palm oil production has led to higher post-processing wastes that pose environmental management challenges. The goal of this study was to investigate the co-production of ... -
Successful domestication of Neonothopanus Hygrophanus (Mont.) De Kesel & Degreef and Lentinus Squarrosulus Mont., indigenous saprophytic edible mushrooms from Kibira National Park in Burundi
(CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 2024-01-15)Background Mushroom cultivation in Burundi provides an excellent way to diversify agricultural production although domestication of mushroom species is at an infancy stage. The country is endowed with indigenous forests that ... -
Reconstructing historical distribution of large mammals and their habitat to inform rewilding and restoration in central Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2023-07)In the anthropogenic landscapes where historically wildlife existed, there can be a potential for rewilding to reverse extinction. However, there is limited literature providing approaches to achieving successful ... -
Preliminary symbiotic performance of indigenous soybean (Glycine max)-nodulating rhizobia from agricultural soils of Tanzania
(Frontiers, 2023-01-26)Globally, the increase in human population continues to threaten the sustainability of agricultural systems. Despite the fast-growing population in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and the efforts in improving the productivity ... -
Screening and evaluation of salinity stress tolerance in local malawian tomato Cultivars
(Springer Nature, 2023-04-18)Unravelling how crop plants respond to salinity stress, and their underlying morphological and physiological adaptations could provide benchmarks for development of crop improvement programs in salt affected regions. The ... -
Insect visitation and pollination networks across traditional rangeland management categories in a Northern Tanzanian rangeland
(Elsevier B.V., 2023-07-17)The structure of pollination networks is critical to ecosystem stability and functioning. We investigated pollinator-plant interactions to understand the foraging preference and develop pollination networks in a semi-arid ... -
Assessment of the soil suitability for soybean growth and the prospect biofertilizers use in selected areas of Tanzania
(Maximum Academic Press, 2023-10-19)The rapidly increasing global human population threatens the availability of safe and nutritious food. Among others, soil fertility degradation, insufficient use of proper fertilizers and scanty soil characterizations have ... -
Antifungal activity of Leonotis nepetifolia extracts against Colletotrichum species causing bean anthracnose and their phytochemical analysis using LC-MS
(Elsevier B.V., 2023-08-30)Bean anthracnose results in significant yield losses, and the present primary management strategy of using synthetic fungicides is hampered by a number of factors. This study assessed the antifungal effects of aqueous, ... -
Insecticidal Activity of Selected Plant-Derived Essential Oils against Papaya Mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus)
(MDPI, 2023-12-02)The current study aims to assess the effectiveness of three essential oils derived from neem, citrus, and garlic against papaya mealybug. Papaya seedlings were transplanted in the field in a completely randomized block ... -
Integrating contact tracing and wholegenome sequencing to track the elimination of dog-mediated rabies: An observational and genomic study
(eLife, 2023-05-23)Background: Dog-mediated rabies is endemic across Africa causing thousands of human deaths annually. A One Health approach to rabies is advocated, comprising emergency post-exposure vaccination of bite victims and mass ... -
Prospects for soilless farming in Africa: A review on the aids of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria inoculants in hydroponics
(International Journal of Biosciences, 2022-11-21)273 Margaret et al. Int. J. Biosci. 2022 REVIEW PAPERREVIEW PAPERREVIEW PAPERREVIEW PAPER OPEN ACCESSOPEN ACCESSOPEN ACCESSOPEN ACCESS Prospects for soilless farming in Africa: A review on the aids of plant growth-promoting ... -
Ethnobotany of Oyster nut ( Telfairia pedata) in Northern Tanzania
(Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 2022-01-12)Telfairia pedata (Sims) Hook is an important native climber plant commonly grown in East Africa. It bears nuts which are eaten either raw or cooked and is consumed mostly by expectant mothers, and as cooking oil. The ... -
Use of lay vaccinators in animal vaccination programmes: A scoping review
(PLOS ONE, 2021-08-11)Background The human resource gap in veterinary sectors, particularly in low-income countries, imposes limitations on the delivery of animal healthcare in hard-to-reach populations. Lay animal health workers have been ...