Life sciences and Bio-engineering: Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 1150
Honeybees’ foraging patterns and their relation to honey antimicrobial activity
(NM-AIST, 2023-06)Honeybees’ existence is highly influenced by the availability of their preferred foraging plants. This study assessed honeybees’ foraging patterns and their relationship to honey antimicrobial activity in Same ... -
Assessing the accessibility, conservation and production of fodder for livestock for the agro pastoral societies in Magu district, Tanzania.
(NM_AIST, 2023-08)The access to adequate and high-quality livestock fodder has become a great challenge which in turn threatens the sustainability of the agro pastoral societies in Magu district. This study was done to assess the ... -
Land Use Land/Cover Change Reduces Woody Plant Diversity and Carbon Stocks in a Lowland Coastal Forest Ecosystem, Tanzania
(MDPI, 2022-07-13)The East-African lowland coastal forest (LCF) is one of Africa’s centres of species endemism, representing an important biodiversity hotspot. However, deforestation and forest degradation due to the high demand for ... -
Retaliatory killing negatively affects African lion (Panthera leo) male coalitions in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem, Tanzania
(PLOS ONE, 2022-08-31)In landscapes where people and lions coexist, conflicts are common due to livestock preda- tion and threats to human safety. Retaliatory lion killing by humans is often a consequence and is one of the leading causes of ... -
Hydrogeochemical Analysis of Water Quality Dynamics Under Anthropic Activities on the Southern Slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
(Springer Nature, 2022-07-14)Water quality management requires consideration of surface water and groundwater dynamics. This study utilizes hydrogeochemical and isotopic techniques to understand anthropic influences on surface and groundwater resources ... -
Experimental prosopis management practices and grassland restoration in three Eastern African countries
(Springer Nature, 2023-07-14)Woody species have been introduced in many parts of the world to provide economic benefits, but some of those species are now among the worst invaders, causing widespread economic and environmental damage. Management of ... -
Interactive effects of dragonfly larvae andBacillusthuringiensisvar.israelensison mosquito ovipositionand survival
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023-09-05)The biological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) is used worldwide to control reproduction of mosquitoes in freshwater habitats. However, its impact on the ecosystem including nontarget species is ... -
Post-harvest Practices Associated with Aflatoxins Contamination of Complementary Flours in Bahi District, Dodoma,Tanzania
(International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 2017)Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by several species of Aspergillus fungi, which occur in food crops due to exposure of pre-harvest and post-harvest conditions. Complementary foods are considered an important ... -
The genetic diversity of leaf vegetable jute mallow (Corchorus spp.): A review
(Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2017-09-27)Corchorus spp. is among traditional vegetable which is very nutritious and has been in use in many households in Africa. It contains high level of carotenoids (150μg/100g), vitamin C, Iron (190μg/g), 1.3% Calcium and 25.0% ... -
Predictors of Program Participation in a Nutrition-Sensitive Agroecological Intervention in Singida, Tanzania
(Oxford University Press, 2020-06)Objectives Nutrition-sensitive agricultural interventions are theorized to improve child’s diet through asset provision and program participation. Although some programs measure participation, predictors of participation ... -
A Participatory Agroecological Intervention Reduces Women’s Risk of Probable Depression Through Improvements in Food Security in Singida, Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2020-06)In 2015, depressive disorders led to over 50 million disability-adjusted life years lost globally, with more than 80% occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Depressive disorders are also risk factors of a number ... -
Underutilized Cashew Apple Fruit: Its Utility and Development as a Source of Nutrients and Value Added Products in Tanzania
(Enviro Research Publishers, 2023-03-29)The tropical cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale L., has remarkable potential. The tree produces the pseudo-fruit known as the cashew apple and nuts. The apple is sweet, juicy, and loaded with dietary fiber, phytonutrients, ... -
Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and Mycotoxin Contamination of Complementary Food Ingredients in Kongwa District, Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2023-02)Background: Inadequate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices in low income countries contribute to poor child growth and development. Objectives: To assess IYCF practices and mycotoxin contamination in complementary ... -
Nutrient intake and dietary adequacy among infants in Kongwa District, Tanzania: A sub-study of the Mycotoxin Mitigation Trial
(Research Square, 2023-04-13)Background: Early exposure to aflatoxin, a common toxin in global food systems, has been associated with child growth faltering. The Mycotoxin Mitigation Trial was a community-based cluster-randomized trial designed to ... -
A Mixed Methods Exploration of the Role of Participation in a Nutrition-Sensitive Agroecology Intervention in Rural Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2023-06)Background: Participation is key to the successful implementation of nutrition-related interventions, but it has been relatively overlooked. Objective: We sought to describe participation intensity among smallholder farmers ... -
Animal health management practices in zero grazing dairy units in Arusha City, Tanzania
(African Journals Online (AJOL), 2017-11-05)This study aimed at investigating the animal health management practices in zero grazing dairy units. A questionnaire was used to assess the veterinary practices including the administration of antibiotics and other ... -
Production Diversity Is Not Associated with Women’s Dietary Diversity After Controlling for Wealth and Participation in an Agriculture Intervention in Tanzania
(Oxford University Press, 2019-06)Objectives Farm production diversity has long thought to be a primary driver of dietary diversity. Few studies have explored the drivers of dietary diversity among women, who are often vulnerable to sub-optimal diets. We ... -
Risk of Exposure to Aflatoxin M1 through Consumption of Cow’s Milk among Children in Magadu Morogoro
(Research Square, 2023-08-08)Aatoxins M1 contamination of milk affect the general population, and with particular attention to children who frequently consume milk as part of complementary food. This study determined AFM1 contamination of cow’s milk ... -
Investigating the Optimal Treatment to Improve Cashew Apple Juice Quality and Shelf Life
(Hindawi, 2023-09-06)An investigation was carried out to extend the shelf life of cashew apple juice (CAJ) by up to 90 days from its natural shelf life. CAJ was obtained by pressing apples. Then, extracted juice was clarified, pasteurized, and ... -
Wild edible mushroom value chain for improved livelihoods in Southern Highlands of Tanzania
(American Journal of Research Communication, 2014)A survey was conducted to assess mycological knowledge and socio-economic benefits along the wild edible mushrooms value chain among Benna and Hehe ethnic groups in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The mushroom hunters, ...