Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 665
Characteristics of briquettes from plastic pyrolysis by-products
(MESI, 2023)Pyrolysis has been proven as a method to reduce plastic waste and produce useful products, especially liquid fuels. However, plastic pyrolysis also produces gases and char as by-products which are being investigated for ... -
Invasive weeds with pesticidal properties as potential new crops
(Elsevier, 2017)Plants with pesticidal properties have been investigated for decades as alternatives to synthetics, but only a handful have been commercialised and developed as non-food cash crops. One of the reasons why pesticidal plants ... -
Caudal fin as a proxy for dorsal muscle for nutrient enrichment monitoring using stable isotope analysis: the case of Gerres filamentosus and G. oyena from mangrove creeks of Tanzania
(Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2022)The use of fish dorsal muscles in stable isotope studies, which is an invasive method that results in fish deaths, limits their applicability for rare and endangered fish species, as well as when large sample sizes and ... -
Using fishers’ local ecological knowledge for management of small-scale fisheries in data-poor regions: Comparing seasonal interview and field observation records in East Africa
(Elsevier, 2023-08)Fishers, scientists and policy makers need to describe, understand and “agree on” variations in fish catches caused by exploitation and climate change for effective fisheries management. To achieve this, relevant data with ... -
Ecological Changes in the Zambezi River Basin
(African Books Collective, 2021-11)Africa faces a plethora of challenges and chief among these is a change in the climate (Zakaria and Maharjan 2014) which is one of the key factors affecting the ecology and hydrology of its river basins (Kusangaya et al. ... -
Impacts of Wood Fuel Uses on Forest Cover: The Case of Semiarid Areas in Northern Tanzania
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2021)Satellite images for the years 1987, 1997, 2002 and 2017, and questionnaire surveys were used to assess energy sources and demands as well as the impacts of wood fuel use to forest cover changes in Meru and Mwanga ... -
Defluoridation of Water Supplies Using Coconut Shells Activated Carbon: Batch Studies
(IJSR, 2014)Drinking water with elevated fluoride levels results in serious irreparable health problem that has attained an alarming dimension all over the world, Tanzania being one of the affected countries; techniques have been ... -
Structural characterization of cassava linamarase-linamarin enzyme complex: an integrated computational approach
(Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2022)Cassava linamarase is a hydrolyzing enzyme that belongs to a glycoside hydrolase family 1 (GH1). It is responsible for breaking down linamarin to toxic cyanide. The enzyme provides a defensive mechanism for plants against ... -
Optimization of Sedimentation Tank Coupled with Inclined Plate Settlers as a Pre-treatment for High Turbidity Water
(International Institute for Science, Technology and Education(IISTE), 2015)Access to clean and safe drinking water is a challenge in most rural areas of Tanzania. Unsafe drinking water is a major cause of water-related diseases that predominantly affect people living in developing countries. In ... -
Seasonal variability of vertical patterns in chlorophyll-a fluorescence in the coastal waters off Kimbiji, Tanzania
(Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2021-09-24)A study on the vertical pattern of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) fluorescence was undertaken in the Mafia Channel off Kimbiji, Tanzania. Data was collected during the Southeast Monsoon (SEM) and Northeast Monsoon (NEM) seasons. ... -
Growth, mortality, exploitation rate and recruitment pattern of Octopus cyanea (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the WIO region: A case study from the Mafia Archipelago, Tanzania
(Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2021-08-24)Octopus cyanea is a commercially important cephalopod in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, but scientific information to inform management strategies for the species is limited. A study was conducted in 2014, 2015, ... -
Small Estuarine and Non-Estuarine Mangrove Ecosystems of Tanzania: Overlooked Coastal Habitats?
(Springer International Publishing, 2016-03-23)Small estuaries and non-estuarine habitats harboring mangroves are very important ecosystems which provide important ecosystem goods and services; such as provision of ecological niches for juvenile fishes and invertebrates, ... -
Porous carbon derived from Artocarpus heterophyllus peels for capacitive deionization electrodes
(Elsevier, 2019)Though pristine graphene exhibits remarkable mechanical and electronic properties, many electromechanical applications may come from chemically doping it with heteroatoms. The goal is to tune the atomic lattice and, in ... -
Fish Diversity in Relation to Littoral Habitats in Three Basins of Lake Kivu (East Africa)
(MDPI, 2023-09-12)In total, 28 of the 29 fish species reported from the Lake Kivu basin occur in the littoral zone of the lake, but information about their structure, occurrence, and the habitats affecting their distribution is largely ... -
Assessment of Potentially Toxic Metals in Fish from Lake Manyara, Northern Tanzania
(Springer US, 2023-09)Elemental tracer concentrations of copper, lead, nickel and zinc, were assessed in the muscles of Oreochromis amphimelas and Clarias gariepinus from Lake Manyara, Tanzania, to evaluate their safety to consumers, specifcally ... -
Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia removal from biogas using water hyacinth-derived carbon nanomaterials
(Academic Journals, 2017-07-31)The presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) in biogas pose serious human health and environmental challenges. In this study, H2S and NH3 were successfully removed from biogas using water hyacinth-derived ... -
Potential Suppression Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Selected Plants on Growth of Carrot Weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in Arusha, Tanzania
(2023)This study investigates the potential suppression effects of aqueous extracts derived from selected plants on the growth of carrot weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) in Arusha, Tanzania. The research aimed to explore ... -
Enhanced electrosorption capacity of activated carbon electrodes for deionized water production through capacitive deionization
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)The deionized water (DI) of high purity standards is used in several industrial processes to manufacture products and technologies for high end applications. Currently, DI water is produced by either reverse osmosis or ... -
Effect of groundwater residence time on geogenic fluoride release into groundwater in the Mt. Meru slope area, Tanzania, the Great Rift Valley, East Africa
(Elsevier Ltd., 2023)People living in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa suffer from fluorosis resulting from their consumption of groundwater. This paper shows that geogenic fluoride contamination in a natural water system has changed in ... -
Applicability of bio-adsorbents synthesized from maize/corn plant residues for heavy metals removal from aquatic environments: an insight review
(EQA-International Journal of Environmental Quality, 2023-07-14)The underutilization of agricultural waste products in recent years has resulted in environmental issues owing to improper disposal. As a result, heavy metals removal from aqueous systems utilizing sorbent materials produced ...