Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 665
Effects of different supplementary cementitious materials on durability and mechanical properties of cement composite – Comprehensive review
(Elsevier Ltd., 2023)Ordinary Portland cement is the highest produced cement type in the world, however its pro- duction is high energy consumption means expensive, huge natural resource consumptive, and creating high environmental pollution. ... -
Kinetic analysis of anaerobic sequencing batch reactor for the treatment of tannery wastewater
(Academic Journals, 2017-06-30)A pilot scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) was operated at different organic loading rate (1.03, 1.23, 1.52 and 2.21 kg.m-3.d-1) in order to determine the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal and methane ... -
Water defluoridation by Fe (III)-loaded sisal fibre: Understanding the influence of the preparation pathways on biosorbents’ defluoridation properties
(Elsevier, 2019-01-15)Defluoridation properties of two Fe(III)-loaded plant biomass (Fe(III)-activated sisal fibre (Fe(III)-ASF) and post-alkalized Fe(III)-ASF (PA-Fe(III)-ASF)) distinguished by preparation pathways through exclusion/inclusion ... -
Performance of water filters towards the removal of selected pollutants in Arusha, Tanzania.
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2016)This paper presents the findings of a study carried out to investigate the efficiency of selected common water filters in the removal of Escherichia coli, organic matter and fluoride. Additionally, the Total Suspended ... -
The need to enforce minimum environmental flow requirements in Tanzania to preserve estuaries: case study of mangrove-fringed Wami River estuary
(Elsevier, 2015-11-01)The importance of restoring and maintaining environmental flows for sustaining the ecosystem integrity of rivers has been recognized in policies and legal frameworks in many countries. However this is routinely not implemented ... -
Wastewater treatment performance efficiency of constructed wetlands in African countries: a review
(IWA Publishing, 2015-01-01)In Africa, different studies have been conducted at different scales to evaluate wastewater treatment efficiency of constructed wetland. This paper aims to review the treatment performance efficiency of constructed wetland ... -
Environmental Contamination By Radionuclides And Heavy Metals Through The Application Of Phosphate RocksDuring Farming And Mathematical Modeling Of Their Impacts To The Ecosystem
(nternational Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 2014-07)Most of rock phosphates contain radioactive elements and heavy metals because theyoriginate from phosphate deposits. The application of these rock phosphates may result to the transfer of these dangerous materials into ... -
Where does land use matter most? Contrasting land use effects on river quality at different spatial scales
(Elsevier, 2020-05-01)Understanding the influence of land-use activities on river quality has been a key focus of river monitoring programs worldwide. However, defining which land-use spatial scale is relevant remains elusive. In this study, ... -
Making Fe0-Based Filters a Universal Solution for Safe Drinking Water Provision
(MDPI, 2017-07-12)Metallic iron (Fe0)-based filtration systems have the potential to significantly contribute to the achievement of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of substantially improving the human condition ... -
Metallic iron for safe drinking water provision: Considering a lost knowledge
(Pergamon, 2017-06-15)Around year 1890, the technology of using metallic iron (Fe0) for safe drinking water provision was already established in Europe. The science and technology to manufacture suitable Fe0 materials were known and further ... -
Preparation of activated carbon with disered properties through optimization of impregnating agent
(Rjeas, 2014)In this study, activated carbon with desired properties was prepared from peanut shell and sugarcane bagasse using chemical activation method in which potassium hydroxide (KOH) was used as a impregnating agent. The ... -
A review on strategies to optimize metabolic stages of anaerobic digestion of municipal solid wastes towards enhanced resources recovery
(BMC, 2019)Recently, there are increased efforts by municipals and researchers to investigate the potential of utilizing municipal solid wastes (MSW) for resources recovery. In many parts of developing countries, MSW is mostly collected ... -
Experimental Investigation of Soapstone and Granite Rocks as Energy-Storage Materials for Concentrated Solar Power Generation and Solar Drying Technology
(ACS Omega, 2023)The intermittence of solar energy resource in concentrated solar power (CSP) generation and solar drying applications can be mitigated by employing thermal energy storage materials. Natural rocks are well recommended thermal ... -
Distribution and yield of trace metals from the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro to the coastal of Indian Ocean: impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors
(ESS Open Archive, 2022)Cases of water related diseases due to metal pollution are increasing over the global. The condition is serious to most of developing countries as a results of industrialization and population growth. Dissolved and particulate ... -
Multi-variate regression analysis of lake level variability: A case of semi-closed, shallow rift valley lake in Northern Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2022)Lakes are very important for domestic use, commercial purposes, and ecosystem sustenance; nevertheless, studies on how different stressors influence water resources are limited, posing challenges in the planning and ... -
Sources of Nitrate in Ground Water Aquifers of the Semiarid Region of Tanzania
(Hindawi, 2021)Nitrate isotopic values are often used as a tool to identify sources of nitrate in order to effectively manage ground water quality. In this study, the concentrations of NO3−, NO2−, and NH4+ from 50 boreholes and shallow ... -
Design and Performance Analysis of Composite Airfoil Wind Turbine Blade
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2021)Small horizontal axis wind turbine rotors with composite airfoil rotor blades were designed and investigated in the present study in order to improve its performance in low wind speed and low Reynolds number (Re) conditions ... -
The role of textural properties and surface chemistry of activated carbon support in catalytic deoxygenation of triglycerides into renewable diesel
(Elseiver, 2023-07)The textural properties and surface chemistry of activated carbon support are commonly known to have influ- ence on the catalytic performance of catalysts. Many authors have assessed the effect of textural properties ... -
Cattle dung production, management and utilization practices in the smallholding dairy farming systems of East Africa: A situational analysis in Lushoto District, Tanzani
(INNSPUB, 2018-04-30)This focus review aims to update the dung and manure production, management and utilization in the East African countries and its associated challenges particularly in the case of Lushoto district, in northern ... -
Assessment of Fluoride Bioaccumulation Potential in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Reared in Fluoride Rich Water
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2021-05)Fluoride bioaccumulation in fish poses a significant impact on their growth, survival and consequently to upper trophic levels. Few studies have reported the impacts of high fluoride concentrations and their accumulation ...