Research Articles [BUSH]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 46
Key Elements of Customer Trust towards Retaining Customers of Telecommunication Companies in Tanzania
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2022-08-09)This study assessed how customer trust affects customer retention in tele communication companies in Tanzania. Using logistic regression, 120 ques tionnaires were analysed. Results revealed respondents were not satisfied with ... -
A review of the role of tour operators towards sustaining ecotourism in Tanzania
(Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism, 2022-08)This review paper assesses the role of tour operators towards sustaining ecotourism in Tanzania. The motive behind it is based on the argument that tour operators have an important role within the ecotourism ... -
Challenges facing community health workers in promoting maternal and neonatal health in Bagamoyo and Mkuranga districts, Tanzania
(, 2021-06-01)Objectives: Community health workers (CHWs) play significant roles in areas where professional health workforce succumb to serious human resource deficiencies. This study explored challenges the CHWs face in promoting ... -
MAGITS: A Mobile-based Information Sharing Framework for Integrating Intelligent Transport System in Agro-Goods e-Commerce in Developing Countries
(International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2021)The technological advancement in Intelligent Transport Systems and mobile phones enable massive collaborating devices to collect, process, and share information to support the sales and transportation of agricultural ... -
Application of the Kilimanjaro Concept in Reversing Seawater Intrusion and Securing Water Supply in Zanzibar, Tanzania
(MDPI, 2021-07-30)There is escalating salinity levels on small islands due to uncontrolled groundwater extraction. Conventionally, this challenge is addressed by adopting optimal groundwater pumping strategies. Currently, on Unguja Island ... -
Gender and mechanization: Exploring the sustainability of mechanized forage chopping in Tanzania
(Elsevier Ltd., 2018-11)Mechanization is currently experiencing a revival in agricultural research and development, with a new emphasis on equity and sustainability. This study evaluates the introduction of forage chopper machines in seven villages ... -
Purchasing and up-scaling of the privatized advisory services: An innovation perspective on privatized soil testing in Africa
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2020-05-31)As the trend of privatizing agricultural advisory services grows in developing countries, the need for the systematic thinking in innovation development is of interest for private companies that are trying to introduce ... -
Experimenting with local electricity markets in China – multilevel drivers and barriers in the sociotechnical regime
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020-11)As part of its market reforms in the energy sector, the Chinese central government introduced local electricity market pilots in 2019. Through the integration of renewable resources and the possibility for consumers to ... -
Life cycle environmental assessment of electric and internal combustion engine vehicles in China
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021-02-20)Promoting electric vehicles (EVs) is an important measure to ensure energy security, improve air quality, and mitigate global climate change. However, the emission reduction impacts of EVs in China have been widely debated ... -
The Effect of Agricultural Training on Youth Farm Entrepreneurial Attitudes: Evidence from Folk Development Colleges in Tanzania
(African Research Review, 2020-04-28)Given the paucity of youth employment opportunities in the non-agricultural formal sector in developing countries much more needs to be done to attract youth into the agricultural sector. The main objective of this paper ... -
Creating an Enabling Environment for Youth Small and Medium Enterprise Startups: A Comparative Study of Tanzania and India
(Eastern Africa Social Science Research, 2021-01)Small and medium enterprise (SMEs) sector is central to youth employment generation and contribution to national GDPs globally. This paper aimed at comparing the enabling environment for youth SMEs startups between India ... -
The influence of agri-entrepreneurship courses studied on youth farm entrepreneurial intention: Evidence from Folk Development Colleges in Tanzania
(African Online Scientific Information Systems, 2021-04-07)Background: Youth engagement in agriculture in developing countries is of paramount importance since much of their livelihoods depend on this sector. Aim: This article therefore aims at assessing the influence of studying ... -
Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Small Towns in Tanzania: The Case of Babati District, Manyara Region
(The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2020-08-17)Formative research findings from the fast-growing Babati town were used to assess the prevalence of sanitation and hygiene practices among individuals and institutions and associated factors. A cross-sectional study involving ... -
Requirements Engineering for Digitizing Traditional Medical Knowledge: The Case of Building Phytomedicine Mobile-Web Application in Tanzania
(International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology, 2019-12)The digitization of traditional medical knowledge in Tanzania will greatly enhance its preservation and dissemination. This is especially important given the challenges facing the current methods of preserving and managing ... -
White Teeth and Healthy Skeletons for All: The Path to Universal Fluoride-Free DrinkingWater in Tanzania
(MDPI, 2019-01-12)Fluorosis has been prevalent in the great East African Rift Valley (EARV) since before this region was given a name. In the Tanganyika days, Germans reported elevated fluoride concentrations in natural waters. In the ... -
Making Rainwater Harvesting a Key Solution for Water Management: The Universality of the Kilimanjaro Concept
(MDPI, 2019-10-11)Rainwater is conventionally perceived as an alternative drinking water source, mostly needed to meet water demand under particular circumstances, including under semi-arid conditions and on small islands. More recently, ... -
Stakeholders’ Attitude on the Use of ICT Tools for Sustainable Propagation of Indigenous Knowledge in Tanzania: A Case of Traditional Medical Knowledge of Medicinal Plants
(Modern education and computer science press, 2019-11-08)Most local communities in Tanzania depend on herbal remedies as the primary source of health care and such knowledge have been stored in the minds of the elderly who pass it on orally to young generations. However, the ... -
Defeating Fluorosis in the East African Rift Valley: Transforming the Kilimanjaro into a Rainwater Harvesting Park
(MDPI, 2018-11-14)The high availability of fluoride in surface and groundwater in the East African Rift Valley was documented during the colonial period. Since the early 1960s, many studies have been conducted to solve the fluorosis crisis ... -
Forage Growth, Yield and Nutritional Characteristics of Four Varieties of Napier Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum Schumach) in the West Usambara Highlands, Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2019-10-28)Abstract Low pasture biomass production and dry seasons fodder scarcity are among the major challenges affecting productivity of dairy cattle in Tanzania. Field experiments were set to evaluate growth, biomass yields and ... -
Towards Sustainable Ecotourism through Stakeholder Collaborations in Tanzania
(Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 2012-12-26)This paper aims to assess the stakeholders’ strategies towards sustainable ecotourism, with specific focus on networks and public private partnership strategies. A qualitative method through exploratory research design ...