Research Articles [MEWES]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 543
Small Estuarine and Non-Estuarine Mangrove Ecosystems of Tanzania: Overlooked Coastal Habitats?
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2016-03-23)Small estuaries and non-estuarine habitats harboring mangroves are very important ecosystems which provide important ecosystem goods and services; such as provision of ecological niches for juvenile fishes and invertebrates, ... -
The decline in phytoplankton biomass and prawn catches in the Rufiji-Mafia Channel, Tanzania
(African Journals Online, 2016-11-27)The world’s oceans have seen significant declines in phytoplankton-the primary food source in the marine environment. This decline in primary producers is likely to impact the food chain and functions of most coastal and ... -
Fisheries Statistics for Lake Victoria, Tanzania
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017-11-29)Time series fisheries statistics data mainly from Frame Surveys, Catch Assessment Surveys and Fisheries Annual Statistics Reports for Lake Victoria from 1967–2016 were collected from the Fisheries Development Division in ... -
Co-management of Lake Victoria Fisheries
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017-11-29)There have been concerns about the declining fish catches and fisheries ecosystem health for a number of fisheries including Lake Victoria. Consequently, a co-management system has been introduced as a means of, among ... -
Environmental Changes in the Tanzanian Part of Lake Victoria
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017-11-29)Lake Victoria is known for its explosive speciation and recent time hybridization, which is highly mediated by deterioration of water quality. This chapter summarizes the knowledge on change of water quality and environment ... -
The influence of physical-chemical variables on the spatial and seasonal variation of Chlorophyll-a in coastal waters of Unguja, Zanzibar, Tanzania
(African Journals Online, 2018-12-11)Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations were measured at four sites around Unguja, Zanzibar during the northeast (NE) and southeast (SE) monsoon seasons. Data for Chl-a, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, dissolved ... -
Seasonal and spatial variation of surface current in the Pemba Channel, Tanzania
(PLOS ONE, 2019-01-07)The surface current speeds within the Pemba channel were examined using 24 years of drifter data received from the Global Drifter Program. This study aimed to uncover varying surface current in the Pemba Channel in different ... -
Coastal upwelling and seasonal variation in phytoplankton biomass in the Pemba Channel
(African Journals Online, 2021-02-11)This study was conducted in the Pemba Channel off Tanga Region in northern Tanzania to investigate physical and chemical factors that drive changes in phytoplankton biomass. Three transects off Mwaboza, Vyeru and Sahare ... -
A comparison of aquatic macroinvertebrate and large branchiopod community composition between temporary pans of a conservation area and surrounding communal area in South Africa
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2020-03-08)Although temporary wetlands are often biodiversity hotspots that deliver multiple ecosystem services, they are also threatened by human exploitation. We conducted a comparative field study to investigate the impact of ... -
Where does land use matter most? Contrasting land use effects on river quality at different spatial scales
(Elsevier B.V., 2020-05-01)Understanding the influence of land-use activities on river quality has been a key focus of river monitoring programs worldwide. However, defining which land-use spatial scale is relevant remains elusive. In this study, ... -
Current status of textile wastewater management practices and effluent characteristics in Tanzania
(IWA Publishing, 2021-04-05)Textile wastewater from wet processing units is a major environmental problem. Most chemicals, including dyes, are only partly consumed, resulting in highly colored wastewater containing a variety of chemicals released ... -
Guanidinium tin halide perovskites: structural, electronic, and thermodynamic properties by quantum chemical study
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2021-04-17)The orthorhombic phase of guanidinium tin halide perovskites C(NH2)3SnX3, X = Cl, Br, I has been studied by quantum chemical method. The lattice parameters are optimized to obtain the minimum energy using the density ... -
Assessment of fluoride removal in a batch electrocoagulation process: A case study in the Mount Meru Enclave
(Elsevier B.V., 2021-03-04)The presence of excessive amounts of fluoride than prescribed standards has been reported in various sources of domestic water supply around the slopes of Mount Meru and other parts in Tanzania. Efforts to remove the ... -
Clustering and Fuzzy Logic-Based Demand-Side Management for Solar Microgrid Operation: Case Study of Ngurudoto Microgrid, Arusha, Tanzania
(Hindawi, 2021-02-15)Permanent electricity availability should not be taken for granted since grid sustainability and reliability are at stake when there is no balance between supply and demand. This paper employs a load balancing demand-side ... -
Distribution of fluoride in beans and maize grown along the slope of Mount Meru, Tanzania
(Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 2019-11-30)This study assessed the uptake and distribution of fluoride in maize and beans grown in fluoride contaminated soils, (Ngarenanyuki) around Mount Meru in Northern Tanzania during the rainy season. The study revealed that ... -
Integrated constructed wetlands treating industrial wastewater from seed production
(IWA Publishing, 2021)The performance of an integrated wastewater treatment system composed of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSFCW), floating constructed wetland (FCW), and anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) was studied for ... -
Performance of inclined plates settler integrated with constructed wetland for high turbidity water treatment
(IWA Publishing, 2021)The purpose of this study was to investigate and demonstrate cost-effective treatment technologies for high turbid waters, used for domestic purposes in rural areas of Tanzania where conventional community water treatment ... -
Community awareness on fluoride contaminant sources: a case study at Mount Meru slopes in Northern Tanzania
(International Journal of Biosciences, 2019-10-27)A study was conducted around the slopes of Mount Meru in Arumeru district of Arusha region at Ngarenanyuki ward, to update the awareness of the potential routes of human exposure to unacceptable levels of fluoride. ... -
Regeneration and carboxymethylation of cellulose and its derivatives: application assessment for brewery wastewater treatment
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2021-02-13)Coagulation–flocculation technique is usually employed in wastewater treatment by applying conventional inorganic materials such as alum and ferric chloride. Due cost to environmental challenges associated with the use of ... -
Potential of anaerobic co-digestion in improving the environmental quality of agro-textile wastewater sludge
(IWA Publishing, 2020-08-30)Sludge from textile effluent treatment plants (ETP) remains a challenge for many industries due to inefficient and limited waste management strategies. This study explores the potential of using anaerobic digestion (AD) ...