Research Articles [MEWES]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 543
Adsorption and desorption processes of toxic heavy metals, regeneration and reusability of spent adsorbents: Economic and environmental sustainability approach
(Elsevier, 2024-05-19)A growing number of variables, including rising population, water scarcity, growth in the economy, and the existence of harmful heavy metals in the water supply, are contributing to the increased demand for wastewater ... -
Application of Magnetic Surfactants in Nanoparticle Fabrication
(ACS Publication, 2023-08-28)Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are a group of nanoparticles made from a magnetic material such as iron, chromium, manganese, cobalt or nickel and a chemical component that exhibit superparamagnetic properties. They have a ... -
Does variation in plant diversity and abundance influence browsing intensity in black rhinos?
(WILEY, 2023-09)Variations in forage availability, selection and preferences can lead to intense forag- ing competition and depletion of food consequently lowering diet quality and popula- tion performance of black rhino species. This ... -
Efficacy of waste stabilization ponds and constructed wetlands adopted for treating faecal sludge in Africa: a review
(Taylor & Francis online, 2024-05-24)The generation of faecal sludge (FS) in capitals and urban settings of African countries outpaces the available storage, emptying, transportation and treatment technologies. The low technology-based treatment systems for ... -
Fabrication of porous carbon nanofiber webs from polyacrylonitrile and cellulose acetate for NaCl removal from water using capacitive deionization
(IWA Publishing, 2024-01-01)Capacitive deionization (CDI) has shown potential in addressing freshwater scarcity. CDI's electrode design is a key to better performance as it determines the extent of water purification. For carbon electrodes, the pore ... -
Ecological consequences of microplastic pollution in sub-Saharan Africa aquatic ecosystems: An implication to environmental health
(KeAi, 2023-12-01)Microplastic pollution (MPs) emerged as a significant environmental concern due to its persistent nature. These MPs particles endure in waters, soils, and even the atmosphere, posing potential threats to the entire ... -
Capacity building to strengthen nuclear security in the safety, operation and utilization of research reactors in Africa
(Egyptian Society of Nuclear Sciences and Applications (ESNSA), 2023-01-01)Research reactors are indispensable for developing countries to benefit from the many quiet applications of nuclear science and technology, particularly in health services, food security, water resources, education and ... -
Du méga au low-tech: Qu'est-ce qu'un système énergétique durable en Afrique de l'Est?
(HAL CNRS Portal, 2023-11-17)En Afrique de l'Est, l'énergie domestique relève de différentes socio-techniques, allant du bois de chauffage et du charbon aux méga-projets (éoliens, géothermie). Ces sociotechniques suscitent des critiques en raison de ... -
Energy Management for a Random Outage Grid-tied Hybrid Photo- voltaic Solar-Thermal Energy System for health Center Applications
(RERA, 2023-09-23)This research work proposes and evaluates an enhanced open-loop photo-voltaic evacuated tube solar thermal collector hybrid energy system based on the developed multi-objective energy management strategy that manages and ... -
Sustainable biofuel production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring transesterification process, nonedible feedstocks, and policy implications
(WIREs, 2024-05-10)The world is currently dealing with an energy crisis, primarily due to heavy reliance on finite fossil fuels and the associated rise in energy demand. In response to this crisis, replacing heavy reliance on finite fossil ... -
Hydrological System and Water Balance of Ungauged Crater Lakes of the Northern Crater Highlands
(Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023-10)The study aimed to unveil the hydrological system and water balance of the ungauged crater lakes with major focus on the Emakati Lake which occupy 46% of the Empakaai Crater associated to the East African Rift Valley ... -
Production of low emission briquettes from carbonized faecal sludge as an alternative source of cooking energy
(Springer Nature, 2024)Abstract Background In Tanzania, firewood, charcoal, and agricultural waste play a crucial role in daily life as sources of cooking energy, especially in rural areas. Using these energy sources contributes to deforestation ... -
Tuning water chemistry for the recovery of greener products: pragmatic and sustainable approaches
(Royal Sociaty of Chemistry, 2023-02-17)The early techniques for recovery of bioactive metabolites involve conventional cold or hot solvent extraction.1 The choice is a function of the nature of the bioactive compound of interest.2 The adverse effect of organic ... -
Techno-economic evaluation of transesterification processes for biodiesel production from low quality non-edible feedstocks: Process design and simulation
(ELSEVIER, 2024-06-15)The global demand for fossil fuels has led to increased pollutant emissions and depleted fossil fuel resources. Biodiesel, a fossil fuel alternative, is widely produced via transesterification. This study assesses the ... -
Novel use of portable gamma sensors to rapidly assess soil status and recovery in degraded East African agro-pastoral land
(Copernicus Publications, 2024-05-01)Soil resources in East African agro-pastoral lands are being rapidly depleted by erosion, threatening food, water and livelihood security. Here we explore the utility of innovation in portable gamma sensors to rapidly ... -
Rare earth elements and uranium in Minjingu phosphate fertilizer products: Plant food for thought
(ELSEVIER, 2024-08-01)Minjingu phosphate ore is Tanzania's sole domestic supply of phosphorus (P). The ore contains medium to high concentrations of naturally occurring P2O5 (20–35 %) and relevant concentrations of uranium and rare earth elements ... -
Electrical power output potential of different solar photovoltaic systems in Tanzania
(International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 2024-04-05)This study examines the photovoltaic (PV) energy output and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in seven regions of Tanzania across five different tilt adjustments of 1 MW PV systems. The one-diode model equations and the ... -
A Review on Degradation Improvement of Sisal Fiber by Alkali and Pozzolana for Cement Composite Materials
(Taylor & Francis, 2024)Sisal fiber employment in concrete improves its post-crack strength, but sisal fiber degrades due to moisture and cement mineralization. Many researchers used alkaline and pozzolanic techniques to treat sisal fiber in ... -
Ecosystem metabolism in the deep and oligotrophic Lake Tanganyika
(Elsevier, 2024-06-24)This study investigated variability in ecosystem metabolism in the meromictic, oligotrophic, and deep Lake Tanganyika. A large buoy equipped with a weather station, oxygen and temperature sensors for every 10 m down to 102 ... -
Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil and Sediments of a Tanzanian Small-Scale Gold Mining Area
(scientific research publishing, 2023-11-17)Small-scale gold mining is linked to significant environmental pollution by potentially toxic elements (PTEs). However, research on the pollution caused by such mining activities remains insufficient especially in ...