The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 2463
Production of low emission briquettes from carbonized faecal sludge as an alternative source of cooking energy
(Springer Nature, 2024)Abstract Background In Tanzania, firewood, charcoal, and agricultural waste play a crucial role in daily life as sources of cooking energy, especially in rural areas. Using these energy sources contributes to deforestation ... -
Tuning water chemistry for the recovery of greener products: pragmatic and sustainable approaches
(Royal Sociaty of Chemistry, 2023-02-17)The early techniques for recovery of bioactive metabolites involve conventional cold or hot solvent extraction.1 The choice is a function of the nature of the bioactive compound of interest.2 The adverse effect of organic ... -
Techno-economic evaluation of transesterification processes for biodiesel production from low quality non-edible feedstocks: Process design and simulation
(ELSEVIER, 2024-06-15)The global demand for fossil fuels has led to increased pollutant emissions and depleted fossil fuel resources. Biodiesel, a fossil fuel alternative, is widely produced via transesterification. This study assesses the ... -
Production, Postharvest Practice, Marketing and Challenges of Smallholder Vegetable Producers in Tanzania
(African Scholarly Science Communications Trust, 2024-04-27)Beside staple crops, the fruits and vegetables subsector contribute significantly to domestic and export markets. Yet, this subsector faces a number of challenges that limits its full growth potential. Through 383 randomly ... -
Exploring the nutritional potentials of wild Vigna legume species for neo-domestication prospects
(Cambridge University Press, 2024-02-14)Projected increases in human population suggest that 70% more food will be needed in the near future, this makes it imperative to search for alternative food and feed sources for human and animal nutrition to feed the ... -
Novel use of portable gamma sensors to rapidly assess soil status and recovery in degraded East African agro-pastoral land
(Copernicus Publications, 2024-05-01)Soil resources in East African agro-pastoral lands are being rapidly depleted by erosion, threatening food, water and livelihood security. Here we explore the utility of innovation in portable gamma sensors to rapidly ... -
Rare earth elements and uranium in Minjingu phosphate fertilizer products: Plant food for thought
(ELSEVIER, 2024-08-01)Minjingu phosphate ore is Tanzania's sole domestic supply of phosphorus (P). The ore contains medium to high concentrations of naturally occurring P2O5 (20–35 %) and relevant concentrations of uranium and rare earth elements ... -
Sniffing Oriental Aromatic Scents: The Perfumery Trope in Eroticized Swahili Odes.
(Journal of the Institute of Kiswahili Studies, 2020)Swahili poets of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have foregrounded adapted perfumery customs with great reverence in their works. It functions as a vital cue to trans-Indian Ocean commonalities and as a marker ... -
Nihilism and Postproverbials in Euphrase Kezilahabi’s Poetry Anthology 'Dhifa' ('Feast')
(NM-AIST, 2021-09-30)This paper discusses nihilism and postproverbials as exhibited, and how occasionally they occur pari passu, in a postmodern Swahili anthology of Dhifa, published in 2008 and authored by Euphrase Kezilahabi. Nihilism ... -
Botanical biopesticides have an influence on tomato quality through pest control and are cost-effective for farmers in developing countries
(PLOS ONE, 2023-11-28)Synthetic insecticides heavily applied to manage agricultural pests are highly hazardous to the environment and non-target organisms. Their overuse through repeated treatments in smallholder farming communities is frequent. ... -
Physicochemical and microbiological characterization and of hospital wastewater in Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2023-08-24)Given the complex composition of hospital wastewater and the high risk of initiating disease outbreaks, comprehensive monitoring and treatment of hospital wastewater are required to prevent social and environ- mental ... -
Electrical power output potential of different solar photovoltaic systems in Tanzania
(International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 2024-04-05)This study examines the photovoltaic (PV) energy output and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in seven regions of Tanzania across five different tilt adjustments of 1 MW PV systems. The one-diode model equations and the ... -
Assessment of resistant Escherichia coli in groundwater sources and sanitary inspection for contamination risk in Bagamoyo, Tanzania
(Research square, 2024-03-16)Background Two billion people globally are using faecal-contaminated water. E. coli poses a health risk due to its potential to cause diseases which highlights the need for understanding its antimicrobial resistance ... -
A Review on Degradation Improvement of Sisal Fiber by Alkali and Pozzolana for Cement Composite Materials
(Taylor & Francis, 2024)Sisal fiber employment in concrete improves its post-crack strength, but sisal fiber degrades due to moisture and cement mineralization. Many researchers used alkaline and pozzolanic techniques to treat sisal fiber in ... -
Spirulina (Arthrospira fusiformis, Gomont 1892) as a High-Quality Feed Ingredient for Nile Tilapia Fingerlings
(Tanzania Journal of science, 2023-08-23)A partially randomized experimental design was conducted to evaluate the effect and potential of spirulina species (Arthrospira fusiformis) isolated from Momela Lakes, Tanzania, on the growth, antioxidant capacity, feed ... -
Sustaining indigenous Maasai Alalili silvo-pastoral conservation systems for improved community livelihood and biodiversity conservation in East African rangelands Elkana HezronID*, Issakwisa B. N
(PLOS ONE, 2024-04-29)Alalili system is one among the fewest remnant African indigenous and local knowledge systems that is traditionally practiced by Maasai pastoral communities to conserve certain portions of rangeland resources such as ... -
Ecosystem metabolism in the deep and oligotrophic Lake Tanganyika
(Elsevier, 2024-06-24)This study investigated variability in ecosystem metabolism in the meromictic, oligotrophic, and deep Lake Tanganyika. A large buoy equipped with a weather station, oxygen and temperature sensors for every 10 m down to 102 ... -
Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil and Sediments of a Tanzanian Small-Scale Gold Mining Area
(scientific research publishing, 2023-11-17)Small-scale gold mining is linked to significant environmental pollution by potentially toxic elements (PTEs). However, research on the pollution caused by such mining activities remains insufficient especially in ... -
Economic Burden of Livestock Abortions in Northern Tanzania
(Cambridge University press, 2024)Livestock abortion is a source of economic loss for farmers, but its economic impact has not been estimated in many Low and Middle-Income Countries. This article presents an estimation methodology and estimates for the ... -
Heat and mass transfer investigation of unsteady magnetohydro dynamic nanofluid flow in a porous pipe in the presence of chemical reactions
(Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 2023-08-30)This article presents a numerical investigation of mass and heat transfer effects on an unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) nanofluid flow in a permeable pipe. The influences of the chemical reaction and magnetic flux are ...