The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 521-540 of 2464
Recent advances in thermochemical conversion of biomass into drop-in fuel:a review
(Elsevier, 2022)The global evolutional changes towards the use of renewable energy sources for trans- portation purposes are on the increase in an attempt to mitigate the environmental haz- ard and the proposed depletion associated with ... -
Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of orange peels into biocrude: An optimization approach by central composite design
(Elsevier, 2023)Global instability, persistent increase in pump-price, inflation and depletion of fossil fuel resources amidst the continuous discharge of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels combustion call for urgent attention. The ... -
Recent rise in exploitation of Tanzanian octopuses: a policy and management challenge
(AJOL, 2022-11-29)The artisanal octopus fishery is important for the coastal communities in Tanzania. In this work the octopi landing data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Ministry of Livestock and Fishery ... -
Population genetics of the hound needlefish Tylosurus crocodilus (Belonidae) indicate high connectivity in Tanzanian coastal waters
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-07-13). The hound needlefishTylosurus crocodilus(Belonidae) is a highly demandedfish in the localmarkets of Tanzania, but the growing coastal population threatens its sustainability. ... -
The Potential of Underutilized Plant Resources and Agricultural Wastes for Enhancing Biodiesel Stability: The Role of Phenolic- Rich Natural Antioxidants
(Hindawi, 2023)Growing concerns about energy security and environmental sustainability have fueled demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources in recent years. Biodiesel, a renewable alternative to conventional fuels, has gained ... -
Mitochondrial DNA revealed a single stock structure of the Spotted sardinella Amblygaster sirm (Walbaum, 1792) (Teleostei; Clupeidae) in Tanzanian coastal waters
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023-06-12)The Spotted sardinella Amblygaster sirm are small pelagic fish that are important protein source to coastal communities in the Indo-West Pacific. In this study, a cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene of A. sirm from ... -
Viability of non-edible oilseed plants and agricultural wastes as feedstock for biofuels production: A techno-economic review from an African perspective
(Biofpr, 2023)Given the benefits of biofuels over conventional fuels, there is concern that widespread production of biofuels from edible feedstocks to meet demand will lead to food insecurity and other socioeconomic challenges. Thus, ... -
Rodent abundance, diversity and community structure in a bubonic plague endemic area, northern Tanzania
(De Gruyter, 2023-08-07)Rodent-borne diseases such as bubonic plague remain a significant threat to public health in tropical countries. In plague-endemic areas, little information exists on the factors triggering periodic bursts, thus rendering ... -
Potentials of Pesticidal Plants in Enhancing Diversity of Pollinators in Cropped Fields
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2018-12-21)Declines in populations of pollinators in agricultural based landscapes have raised a concern, which could be associated with various factors such as intensive farming systems like monocropping and the use of non-selective ... -
Characteristics of briquettes from plastic pyrolysis by-products
(MESI, 2023)Pyrolysis has been proven as a method to reduce plastic waste and produce useful products, especially liquid fuels. However, plastic pyrolysis also produces gases and char as by-products which are being investigated for ... -
iMAP: an integrated bioinformatics and visualization pipeline for microbiome data analysis
(BioMed Central, 2019-07-03)One of the major challenges facing investigators in the microbiome field is turning large numbers of reads generated by next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms into biological knowledge. Effective analytical workflows ... -
Microbial Diversity in Bushmeat Samples Recovered from the Serengeti Ecosystem in Tanzania
(Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019-12-02)Bushmeat, the meat and organs derived from wildlife species, is a common source of animal protein in the diets of those living in sub-Saharan Africa and is frequently associated with zoonotic spillover of dangerous pathogens. ... -
Prevalence, characterization and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella isolates from healthy broiler and free-range chickens in Morogoro, Tanzania
(AJOL, 2022-06-13)Background: Salmonella enterica is a group of bacteria that cause enteric and systemic infection in animals and humans worldwide. Objectives: The study was conducted to determine the prevalence, characterization, and ... -
Potential Opportunities and Challenges of Deploying Next Generation Sequencing and CRISPR-Cas Systems to Support Diagnostics and Surveillance Towards Malaria Control and Elimination in Africa
(Frontiers, 2022-07-13)Recent developments in molecular biology and genomics have revolutionized biology and medicine mainly in the developed world. The application of next generation sequencing (NGS) and CRISPR-Cas tools is now poised to support ... -
Perception and Risk Factors Associated with Tuberculosis in the Manyara Region, Tanzania2
(MDPI, 2023-10-06)Tuberculosis (TB) results from infection with members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) and represents a major global public health concern. We here sought to assess the perceptions of human and animal TB ... -
Potential impact of climate change on livestock production and health in East Africa: A review
(CIPAV Foundation, 2013-07)Agriculture and livestock are amongst the most climate sensitive economic sectors in the developing countries whilst the rural poor communities are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Climate change ... -
Epidemiology and Economic Importance of African Animal Trypanosomiasis
(IGI Global, 2021)African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT), also called Nagana, is a vector-borne parasitic disease caused by an extracellular protozoan belonging to the genus Trypanosoma. It has serious effects on the health status and welfare ... -
Development of a practical framework for sustainable surveillance and control of ticks and tick-borne diseases in Africa
(Veterinary World, 2020-09-19)A workshop on ticks and tick-borne diseases (T&TBDs) was held on June 25 and 26, 2019, at the Tropical Pesticides Research Institute, Division of Livestock and Human Diseases Vector Control, Arusha, Tanzania. The objectives ... -
Farmers’ participatory breeding of Lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet): A nutritional, food security and climate smart crop in northern Tanzania
(Research application summary, 2022)Farmer participatory breeding is considered an alternative technique to conventional breeding. Farmers play a major role in germplasm conservation, maintenance and selection of preferred traits especially in neglected ... -
Tree Species Density and Basal Area in Image Forest Reserve, Tanzania
(EAST AFRICAN NATURE & SCIENCE ORGANIZATION, 2022-04-22)Abstract The tree species density and basal area form structural and functional variables of healthy forest ecosystems. Tree density and basal area are among useful parameters for management of natural forest resources. ...