The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 741-760 of 2480
In The Quest for Semi-Industrialized and Middle-Income Economy: Strategies for Agricultural-Based Industrialization through Co-operatives in Tanzania
(AJOL, 2022)Promoting the industrial sector has been among the key development strategies in most developing countries including Tanzania. The government recognizes co-operatives as key development partners in the current move towards ... -
Assessment of integrating Environmental Factors into Healthcare Models for Enhancing Timely Epidemics Analysis: A Case study of Cholera in Dar es Salaam –Tanzania
(IJASRE, 2021)The objective of this study is to assess the perspectives of userson the feasibility of using integrated environmental factors-based healthcare model to enchance timely cholera epidemics analysis in Tanzania.The ... -
Preparation of activated carbon with disered properties through optimization of impregnating agent
(Rjeas, 2014)In this study, activated carbon with desired properties was prepared from peanut shell and sugarcane bagasse using chemical activation method in which potassium hydroxide (KOH) was used as a impregnating agent. The ... -
Proposal for a Quad-Elliptical Photonic Crystal Fiber for Terahertz Wave Guidance and Sensing Chemical Warfare Liquids
(MDPI, 2019-07-08)A porous-core photonic crystal fiber based on a cyclic olefin homopolymer (Zeonex) is proposed; it shows high birefringence, high core power fraction, low losses, and near-zero flat dispersion. The fiber’s core was ... -
Risk of Exposure to Aflatoxin M1 through Consumption of Cow’s Milk among Children in Magadu Morogoro
(Research Square, 2023-08-08)Aatoxins M1 contamination of milk affect the general population, and with particular attention to children who frequently consume milk as part of complementary food. This study determined AFM1 contamination of cow’s milk ... -
Investigating the Optimal Treatment to Improve Cashew Apple Juice Quality and Shelf Life
(Hindawi, 2023-09-06)An investigation was carried out to extend the shelf life of cashew apple juice (CAJ) by up to 90 days from its natural shelf life. CAJ was obtained by pressing apples. Then, extracted juice was clarified, pasteurized, and ... -
Modelling and simulation of novel liquid-infiltrated PCF biosensor in Terahertzfrequencies
(IET Optoelectronics, 2020-07-23)The liquid-infiltrated photonic crystal fibre (LI-PCF) is proposed for guiding terahertz radiation. Geometricalasymmetry is achieved by introducing a large ellipse in the core. By filling the ellipse with liquid ... -
Wild edible mushroom value chain for improved livelihoods in Southern Highlands of Tanzania
(American Journal of Research Communication, 2014)A survey was conducted to assess mycological knowledge and socio-economic benefits along the wild edible mushrooms value chain among Benna and Hehe ethnic groups in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The mushroom hunters, ... -
Cytotoxicity activity of some wild mushroom species from Southern Highlands of Tanzania
(American Journal of Research Communication, 2014)The crude extracts from six wild mushroom species (Russula cellulata, Afrocantharellussymoensis, Lactarius sp, Lactarius denigricans, Russula kivuensis, Amanita muscaria and Amanita phalloides) collected from the Southern ... -
Chemical composition of ethanolic extracts of some wild mushrooms from Tanzania and their medicinal potentials
(Begell House Inc., 2016)The ethanolic extracts of 5 edible and inedible wild mushrooms collected from the Southern Highlands of Tanzania were characterized by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A total of 75 chemical compounds were obtained, ... -
Factors influencing the sustainability of homestead vegetable production intervention in Rufiji, Tanzania: A cross-sectional mixed methods study
(PLOS Global Public Health, 2022-09-20)There is growing evidence that home vegetable gardening interventions improve food security and nutrition outcomes at the family level. Sustainability of many of these community interventions remain a challenge. This study ... -
Contribution of the Dolichos Lablab value chain to farmer's household livelihood assets in Tanzania
(Elsevier Inc., 2022-11-17)Lablab is a legume with multiple uses as food, feed, and organic fertilizer. However, it is underutilized, and its empirical contribution to farmers' livelihoods is limited. This study examined the Lablab value chain (LVC) ... -
Characterization of fruit juices and effect of pasteurization and storage conditions on their microbial, physicochemical, and nutritional quality
(Elsevier Ltd., 2023-02)Characterization, pasteurization and storage are essential steps in fruit juice processing. Watermelon, pineapple, and mango juices were pasteurized at 80 ± 2 °C and held at different treatment times (1, 2.5, 5, 10, and ... -
Food Safety, Health Management, and Biosecurity Characteristics of Poultry Farms in Arusha City, Northern Tanzania, Along a Gradient of Intensification
(East African Health Research Commission, 2018)Background: With the growth, urbanisation, and changing consumption patterns of Tanzania’s human population, new livestock production systems are emerging. Intensification of poultry production may result in opportunities ... -
Trends and constraints in the utilization of African nightshade (Solanum nigrum complex) in Tanzania: A case study of Kilimanjaro and Morogoro regions
(African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2022-08)African nightshade (ANS, Solanum nigrum complex) is among the most widely distributed and consumed indigenous vegetables in Tanzania. Several challenges hamper the utilization of ANS. This study sought to assess trends and ... -
Vigna Legumes: Exploring Some Biochemical Constituents of the Wild Species for Potential Neo-Domestication Candidates
(Research Square, 2022-09-14)Due to the foresight of food system collapse, the search for alternative food and feed sources for human and animal nutrition becomes a daunting task. In addition, achieving Zero Hunger target by the year 2030 as set by ... -
A review on strategies to optimize metabolic stages of anaerobic digestion of municipal solid wastes towards enhanced resources recovery
(BMC, 2019)Recently, there are increased efforts by municipals and researchers to investigate the potential of utilizing municipal solid wastes (MSW) for resources recovery. In many parts of developing countries, MSW is mostly collected ... -
Experimental Investigation of Soapstone and Granite Rocks as Energy-Storage Materials for Concentrated Solar Power Generation and Solar Drying Technology
(ACS Omega, 2023)The intermittence of solar energy resource in concentrated solar power (CSP) generation and solar drying applications can be mitigated by employing thermal energy storage materials. Natural rocks are well recommended thermal ... -
Recent advances in thermochemical conversion of biomass into drop-in fuel:a review
(Elseiver, 2022)The global evolutional changes towards the use of renewable energy sources for trans- portation purposes are on the increase in an attempt to mitigate the environmental haz- ard and the proposed depletion associated with ... -
Distribution and yield of trace metals from the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro to the coastal of Indian Ocean: impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors
(ESS Open Archive, 2022)Cases of water related diseases due to metal pollution are increasing over the global. The condition is serious to most of developing countries as a results of industrialization and population growth. Dissolved and particulate ...