Life sciences and Bio-engineering: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 1150
Pastoral production is associated with increased peste des petits ruminants seroprevalence in northern Tanzania across sheep, goats and cattle
(Cambridge University Press, 2019-07-18)Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) causes a contagious disease of high morbidity and mortality in small ruminant populations globally. Using cross-sectional serosurvey data col- lected in 2016, our study investigated ... -
Innate Immune Genes Associated With Newcastle Disease Virus Load in Chick Embryos From Inbred and Outbred Lines
(Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019-06-20)Newcastle disease virus (NDV) causes substantial economic losses to smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries with high levels of morbidity and mortality in poultry flocks. Previous investigations have suggested ... -
Antimicrobial resistant enteric bacteria are widely distributed amongst people, animals and the environment in Tanzania
(Springer Nature Limited, 2020-01-13)Antibiotic use and bacterial transmission are responsible for the emergence, spread and persistence of antimicrobial-resistant (AR) bacteria, but their relative contribution likely differs across varying socio-economic, ... -
Immune response following Newcastle disease immunization and growth performance of kuroiler, broiler and local Tanzanian chickens
(Academic Journals, 2020-01-31)Chicken is a major livestock species raised by smallholder households in rural areas in developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa as a chief source of meat protein and income generation. However, Newcastle disease largely ... -
Prevalence of Campylobacter and Salmonella in African food animals and meat: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(Elsevier, 2019-10-31)Background: Campylobacter and Salmonella, particularly non-typhoidal Salmonella, are important bacterial en- teric pathogens of humans which are often carried asymptomatically in animal reservoirs. Bacterial foodborne ... -
Identification of Bacillus anthracis, Brucella spp., and Coxiella burnetii DNA signatures from bushmeat
(Springer Nature Limited, 2021-07-21)Meat from wildlife species (bushmeat) represents a major source of dietary protein in low- and middle-income countries where humans and wildlife live in close proximity. Despite the occurrence of zoonotic pathogens in ... -
Shauri et al. BMC Infect Dis (2021) 21:911 RESEARCH Seroprevalence of Dengue and Chikungunya antibodies among blood donors in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
(BMC Infectious Medical, 2021-09-06)Background: The potential shift of major causes of febrile illnesses from malaria to non-malarial febrile illnesses, including arboviral diseases such as chikungunya and dengue, is of concern. The last outbreaks of these ... -
The Prevalence and Determinants of Taenia multiceps Infection (Cerebral Coenurosis) in Small Ruminants in Africa: A Systematic Review
(MDPI, 2022-06-10)Cerebral coenurosis is a fatal parasitic neurological disease affecting the brain and spinal cord of goats and sheep. Despite the large population of sheep and goats in Africa, there is very little awareness about the scale ... -
Current Trend and Future Perspectives of Paratuberculosis in Tanzania
(Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research, 2022-06-27)Paratuberculosis prevalence, economic and public health significance in animal populations is well docu- mented in most of the developed countries. In African countries however, information on paratuberculosis is sparse ... -
Prospective cohort study reveals unexpected aetiologies of livestock abortion in northern Tanzania
(Springer Nature Limited, 2022-07-08)Livestock abortion is an important cause of productivity losses worldwide and many infectious causes of abortion are zoonotic pathogens that impact on human health. Little is known about the relative importance of infectious ... -
Epidemiology of Newcastle disease in poultry in Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis
(Springer Nature, 2022-06-15)The present study intended to determine the prevalence of Newcastle disease in unvaccinated backyard poultry in Africa. Using the PRISMA approach, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 107 epidemiological studies was ... -
Taenia multiceps in Northern Tanzania: An Important but Preventable Disease Problem in Pastoral and Agropastoral Farming Systems
(MDPI, 2022-08-26)Coenurosis due to Taenia multiceps has emerged as a major concern to small ruminant- owning communities in northern Tanzania. Although a high incidence of disease has been reported, gaps still remain in our knowledge of ... -
Local and wide-scale livestock movement networks inform disease control strategies in East Africa
(Springer Nature Limited, 2023-06-14)Livestock mobility exacerbates infectious disease risks across sub-Saharan Africa, but enables critical access to grazing and water resources, and trade. Identifying locations of high livestock traffic offers opportunities ... -
Livestock movement informs the risk of disease spread in traditional production systems in East Africa
(Springer Nature Limited, 2021-08-12)In Africa, livestock are important to local and national economies, but their productivity is constrained by infectious diseases. Comprehensive information on livestock movements and contacts is required to devise appropriate ... -
“He Who Relies on His Brother's Property Dies Poor”: The Complex Narratives of Livestock Care in Northern Tanzania
(Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2021-11-03)Background: Endemic zoonoses have important impacts for livestock-dependent households in East Africa. In these communities, people's health and livelihoods are severely affected by livestock disease losses. Understanding ... -
Detection and characterization of cashew leaf and nut blight disease in the Eastern and the Southern Zones of Tanzania
(Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 2019-04)Cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) is export crop zones of Tanzania. However, its productivity is facing Previously cashew powdery mildew was known to be Disease (CLNBD) has been cited as one of the most d cashew nut ... -
Pathogenicity and Approaches for Management of Anthracnose in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Africa
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE & BIOLOGY, 2022-10-16)Common bean plays significant role for human health globally and consumption of common bean is high in Africa as compared to other regions of the world. Despite common bean’s potential in Africa, productivity remains low ... -
Status of carotenoids in elite and landrace maize genotypes: Implications for provitamin A biofortification in Tanzania
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022-06-01)Maize is among the crops containing carotenoids that are easily converted to vitamin A and have an enormous influence on consumers' health. Principally maize has high calories and proteins but has less number of other ... -
In vitro and field evaluation of selected spices as botanical fungicide for management of Phytophthora infestans, causative agent for late blight in tomato
(Taylor & Francis online, 2022-11-26)Late blight of tomato, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is responsible for massive losses in yield of open field-grown tomato and is managed by use of synthetic fungicides. The rising demand for food safety calls for ... -
Physiochemical Properties and Identification of Elite Genotypes for Improved Sorghum Breeding in Tanzania
(Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology, 2019-02-15)Variability in physiochemical properties in sorghum is critical in cultivar development for optimum grain quality and crop resistance against fungal and insect pests. These traits are not well studied. The objective of ...