Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 665
Representation of seasonal land use dynamics in SWAT+ for improved assessment of blue and green water consumption
(Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2022-08-29)In most (sub)-tropical African cultivated regions, more than one cropping season exists following the (one or two) rainy seasons. An additional cropping season is possible when irrigation is applied during the dry season, ... -
Water Defluoridation Methods Applied in Rural Areas over the World
(IntechOpen Limited, 2022-06-23)Overexposure to fluoride (F) through drinking water is the most widespread water problem in the world, but it has now exacerbated due to rapid population growth rates, adverse climatic changes, and increasing levels of ... -
Building Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience through Soil Organic Carbon Restoration in Sub-Saharan Rural Communities: Challenges and Opportunities
(MDPI, 2021-10-02)Soil organic carbon (SOC) is widely recognised as pivotal in soil function, exerting important controls on soil structure, moisture retention, nutrient cycling and biodiversity, which in turn underpins a range of provisioning, ... -
Modeling and optimization of independent factors influencing lead(II) biosorption from aqueous systems: A statistical approach
(Elsevier, 2022-07)Lead, [Pb(II)] is a major hazardous contaminant that exists in the soil, surface, and groundwater as a result of human activities. It is carcinogenic in nature and causes damage to the liver, kidney, and bones as well as ... -
Soils, Science and Community ActioN (SoilSCAN): a citizen science tool to empower community-led land management change in East Africa
(IOPscience, 2022-08-02)Pastoralist communities worldwide face complex challenges regarding food and feed productivity. Primary production systems are under stress, nutritional choices are changing and the relationship between development and ... -
A Review of Methods for Removal of Ceftriaxone from Wastewater
(MDPI, 2022-08-02)The presence of pharmaceuticals in surface water and wastewater poses a threat to public health and has significant effects on the ecosystem. Since most wastewater treatment plants are ineffective at removing molecules ... -
Drivers, Impacts and Mitigation of Increased Sedimentation in the Hydropower Reservoirs of East Africa
(MDPI, 2021-06-16)Hydropower reservoirs are essential for the climate-neutral development of East Africa. Hydropower production, however, is threatened by human activities that lead to a decrease in water storage capacity of reservoirs. ... -
The Influence of Fertilizers on the Behavior of Fluoride Fractions in the Alkaline Soil
(Elsevier, 2021-08-23)It has been established that fluoride bioavailability in the soil is defined by the form which it exists rather than the amount of total fluoride. In the soil, fluoride exist in different fractions such as water soluble ... -
A comprehensive review on the decontamination of lead(II) from water and wastewater by low-cost biosorbents
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022-04-12)The disadvantages of conventional methods in water and wastewater management including the demand for high energy consumption, the creation of secondary toxic sludge, and operation cost are much too high for developing ... -
Rainfall and temperature changes under different climate scenarios at the watersheds surrounding the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2022-04)Considering the high vulnerability of Northern Tanzania to climate change, an in-depth assessment at the local scale is required urgently to formulate sustainable adaptations measures. Therefore, this study analyzed the ... -
The influence of gold mining on radioactivity of mining sites soil in Tanzania
(International Journal of Environmental Quality, 2022-02-17)The activity of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in soil samples were measured by gamma spectrometry using high purity germanium detector. The study involved 40 samples from four divisions: 10 samples each were drawn from the control ... -
Performance analysis of a runner for gravitational water vortex power plant
(Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2022-02-14)Micro-hydropower can be used to meet the needs of both isolated and rural com munities for electricity. Due to its inexpensive initial investment, simple design, easy maintenance and low-head utilisation, the gravitational ... -
A Molecular Investigation of the Solvent Influence on Inter- and Intra-Molecular Hydrogen Bond Interaction of Linamarin
(MDPI, 2022-02-11)Linamarin has been reported to have anticancer activities; however, its extraction and isolation using different solvents yield a low amount. Therefore, understanding the physical prop‐ erties, such as solvents’ solubility, ... -
Below the Radar: Data, Narratives and the Politics of Irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Water Alternatives, 2021-06)Emerging narratives call for recognising and engaging constructively with small-scale farmers who have a leading role in shaping the current irrigation dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa. This paper explores whether new ... -
Health Risk Assessment of Trace Elements in Soil for People Living and Working in a Mining Area
(Hindawi, 2021-07-02)The present study used soils collected from a small-scale gold mine area to determine the health risks due to trace elements to the at-risk population in the study area. The work involved 74 soil samples from four sampling ... -
A survey of irrigation water and soil quality that likely impacts paddy rice yields in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2021-11-29)In this study, the impacts of irrigation water quality and soil characteristics on paddy rice yields were investigated. Standard spectroscopy and spectrometry methods were used to analyze irrigation water and irrigated ... -
Isotopic and hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater and surface water from a mine site in Tanzania
(IWA Publishing, 2021-12-04)This study used the hydrochemical properties of water to reveal the causes of water quality degradation. The results showed that most samples located downstream of the mine tailings dam were slightly acidic with pH as low ... -
A Review on Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: A Focus on Active Chemicals in Sub-Saharan Africa
(MDPI, 2021-12-22): Active chemicals are among the contaminants of emerging concern that are rarely covered in regulatory documents in sub-Saharan Africa. These substances are neither in the list of routinely monitored substances nor in ... -
Integrated Capacitive Deionization and Humidification-Dehumidification System for Brackish Water Desalination
(MDPI, 2021-11-15)A hybrid capacitive deionization and humidification-dehumidification (CDI–HDH) desalination system is theoretically investigated for the desalination of brackish water. The CDI system works with two basic operations: ... -
Mapping groundwater in ungauged lake basin in Tanzania: A comparison between two topography based methods
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022-02)Groundwater is one of the most critical water resources for Sub Saharan Africa. However, the understanding of the groundwater system in the region is still lacking due to sparse groundwater observations. The influence of ...