Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 361-380 of 665
Heavy metals risk assessment of water and sediments collected from selected river tributaries of the Mara River in Tanzania
(Springer Nature, 2021-06-25)This study investigated the levels of Pb, Hg, Cr, Cd, and As in water and sediments from the tributaries of the Mara River, Tanzania. Pollution risk of water and sediments was investigated using seven indices and fve ... -
Production of biogas as a waste management option for textile effluent sludge: a case study of the a to z textile mills ltd
(NM-AIST, 2020-12)Textile effluent sludge management is becoming a major environmental management issue in many agro-processing industries throughout Africa. This is mostly due to the limited and ineffective means of management. This ... -
Performance of inclined plates settler integrated with constructed wetland for high turbidity water treatment
(NM-AIST, 2021-07)The purpose of this study was to investigate and demonstrate a cost-effective treatment technology for high turbid water, commonly used for domestic purposes in rural areas of Tanzania where conventional water treatment ... -
Assessment of fluoride removal in a batch electro‒coagulation process
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)A presence of excessive amounts of fluoride than the prescribed standards has been reported in sources of domestic water supply around mount Meru slopes and other parts in Tanzania while efforts to remove the excessive ... -
Clay-based ceramic materials for water de-fluoridation
(NM-AIST, 2021-08)Long-term consumption of water with fluoride concentration above the WHO recommended limit of 1.5 mg/g may cause fluorosis. Low-income communities living in fluoride endemic regions are more affected as they cannot afford ... -
Assessment of fluoride bioaccumulation in catfish grown in fluoride rich waters
(NM-AIST, 2021-08)Fluoride bioaccumulation in fish poses a significant impact to their growth performance, survival and consequently to the upper trophic levels. Few studies have reported the impact of high fluoride concentration and their ... -
Application of modified lignocellulosic materials as green flocculants for brewery wastewater treatment
(NM-AIST, 2021-03)Coagulation–flocculation technique is usually used in wastewater treatment by employing conventional inorganic materials such as alum and ferric chloride. Due to environmental challenges associated with the use of inorganic ... -
Performance of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland integrated with floating wetland and anaerobic baffled reactor in treating seed production wastewater
(NM-AIST, 2021-04)Discharge of untreated or partially treated industrial wastewater is the major contributor to aquatic environmental pollution. Seed producing industrial wastewater is composed of high organic matter, nutrient, and suspended ... -
Impact of tobacco curing on the environment andsocio-economic aspects in the Urambo District
(NM-AIST, 2021-07)Despite the efforts that have been employed to reduce tobacco curing related deforestation in many countries including Tanzania. The economic importance of tobacco production on employment creation and foreign exchange ... -
Strategies to improve anaerobic digestion and environ-economic analysis of municipal solid wastes management options
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)Different strategies have widely been applied for improving the anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. However, because of the heterogeneous compositions of organic fraction of municipal ... -
Land use change and temporal water quality dynamics on the slopes of mount Meru
(NM-AIST, 2020-09)This work reports on the results obtained following the study on the land use change and temporal water quality change in rivers of the slopes of Mount Meru in Northern Tanzania between 2015 and 2016. Satellite images ... -
Assessment of groundwater pollution in Singida urban and Manyoni districts
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)The quality of groundwater in Tanzania has over the years remained poorly understood, hence posing risks to human health and the environment. In this study, the quality of groundwater sources used for drinking purpose ... -
An eco-friendly tanning method using plant barks and their combination with aluminium sulphate from kaolin for leather industry
(NM-AIST, 2021-02)Chrome tanning has remained the most preferred tanning method worldwide in the leather industry because it produces leather of a high quality with all the desired features. However, environmental concerns of chromium ... -
Optimization of domestic biogas stove burner for efficient energy utilization
(NM-AIST, 2020-08)The inefficient indoor burning of fuel wood on traditional cook stoves generates pollutants, primarily carbon monoxide and many other human health-damaging emissions. It is from this risk that it is necessary to have an ... -
Enhancing the performance of a spray flash evaporation integrated with evacuated tube desalination system
(NM-AIST, 2021-02)Numerical analysis for heat exchanger for spray-assisted low-temperature desalination system is presented for an existing low-temperature desalination unit at Arusha Technical College (ATC). The current desalination unit ... -
High energy density materials based on fluorinated bridged trinitromethyl azo triazole derivatives: a quantum chemical study of thermodynamic and energetic properties
(NM-AIST, 2021-03)High energy density materials (HEDM) have gained extensive attention due to their energetic properties and safety issues. Nitro and fluoro groups, among others, have become viable substituents in the HEDM triazole framework ... -
Molecular modification of dye constituents through grafting anchoring groups and pi-spacers: towards DSSCs application
(NM-AIST, 2021-06)Triphenylamine based dyes molecular modification by grafting anchoring groups and spacers was performed within computational framework aimed at potential materials for dye- sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) ... -
Controlling ammonia and sulfide inhibition during anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse waste
(NM-AIST, 2021)The performance of experimental batch-reactor loaded with slaughterhouse waste at mesophilic temperature was investigated as well as the inhibition of both ammonia and sulfide in the aqueous phase during phase I of ... -
Assessment of the impacts of groundwater pumpage on the future water supply sustainability in Zanzibar, Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2020-12)In the present study, a 42-year record of rainfall and temperature from Airport and a 43-year rainfall record from Kizimbani meteorological station were analyzed to understand how these climatic variables are affecting ... -
Groundwater recharge estimation and quality on the southern slopes of mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2021-07)This study was undertaken to estimate groundwater recharge rates using three methods (water table fluctuation (WTF), chloride mass balance (CMB) and soil moisture balance (SMB), as well as assessing the impact use of the ...