Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 665
Assessing adoption and water productivity of the system of rice-intensification under farmer-led irrigation system in northern Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2021-02)This study was conducted to evaluate farmers‟ appropriation of the system of rice intensification (SRI) in an informal irrigation scheme in northern Tanzania. Understanding the integration and performance of SRI in the ... -
Performance optimization of unplanned water distribution networks in fast growing towns: a case study of Mwanza city, Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2021-07)High Non-Revenue Water (NRW) and unreliable water supply services are major challenges in operations of the water networks in most of the fast-growing cities in developing countries. The present study aims at investigating ... -
Performance investigation of the slaughterhouse wastewater treatment facility: a case of Mwanza city slaughterhouse, Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2021-01)The present study engaged onsite operations and laboratory analysis for Mwanza City Slaughterhouse (MCS) wastewater to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment of a newly installed facility. The MCS wastewater ... -
Reconstructing the Changes in Sedimentation and Source Provenance in East African Hydropower Reservoirs: A Case Study of Nyumba ya Mungu in Tanzania
(MDPI, 2021-08-08)This study aimed to reconstruct the sedimentation rates over time and identify the changing sources of sediment in a major hydropower reservoir in Tanzania, the Nyumba ya Mungu (NYM). Fallout 210Pb measurements were used ... -
The Exergy Analysis for the Air Gasification in a Hybrid Fixed Bed Gasifier
(Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2021-07-31)Municipal solid waste (MSW) is becoming a concern as population in urban area is increasing. Several disposal methods (landfill and biochemical) have been used. However, waste to energy (WTE) particularly gasification ... -
Comparison of blue and green water fluxes for different land use classes in a semi-arid cultivated catchment using remote sensing
(Elsevier, 2021-08)Study area Kikuletwa catchment, Upper Pangani River Basin, Tanzania. Study focus This study compared yearly blue and green water fluxes using four different methods: Senay’s method (SN) (Senay et al., 2016), van Eekelen ... -
Enhancement of Biogas Potential for Slaughterhouse Waste by Co-digestion with Animal Wastes
(MAXWELL Scientific Publication Corp., 2021-05-25)The aim of the current study was to investigate biogas production from the slaughterhouse waste codigested with animal wastes. Slaughterhouses generate organic wastes that are environmentally hazardous due to high contents ... -
Gaseous complex hydrides NaMH and NaMH (M = B, Al) as hydrogen storage materials: a quantum chemical study.
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2020-12-17)Metal hydrides are feasible for energy storage applications as they are able to decompose with hydrogen gas release. In this work, gaseous complex sodium hydrides, NaMH and NaMH (M = B or Al), have been investigated using ... -
Evaluation of recharge areas of Arusha Aquifer, Northern Tanzania: application of water isotope tracers
(IWA Publishing, 2020-10-21)In Arusha urban, northern Tanzania, groundwater contributes about 80% of the water supply. However, elevated fluoride levels and evidence of anthropogenic pollution have been reported in the groundwater around Mount Meru ... -
Farmer's appropriation of system of rice intensification practices in water-scarce irrigation schemes in Northern Tanzania
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2021-02-08)The system of rice intensification (SRI), advocates new ways of rice cultivation which challenges farmers’ knowledge and skills to the extent that they are required to learn, experiment and integrate new principles to suit ... -
Transformations to groundwater sustainability: from individuals and pumps to communities and aquifers
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021-05-11)If the success of agricultural intensification continues to rely on the depletion of aquifers and exploitation of (female) labour, transformations to groundwater sustainability will be impossible to achieve. Hence, the ... -
Sub- and Supercritical Water Gasification of Rice Husk: Parametric Optimization Using the I-Optimality Criterion.
(ACS Publications, 2021-05-18)In this study, rice husk biomass was gasified under sub- and supercritical water conditions in an autoclave reactor. The effect of temperature (350-500 °C), residence time (30-120 min), and feed concentration (3-10 wt %) ... -
Towards sustainable management of inland waters in Tanzania assessing the ecological integrity of river ecosystems in the upper Pangani river basin (Tanzania)
(KU Leuven, 2020-12)River ecosystems encompass river channels and its floodplains and form a diverse mosaic of habitats upon which countless species of animals and plants depend for survival. They provide a plethora of services for humans ... -
Small Scale Fisheries Management: Lessons from Cockle Harvesters in Nicaragua and Tanzania
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2010-06-01)The role of women in gleaning fisheries tends to be underestimated and poorly documented although they play an important role in coastal food security and income generation. This article describes two initiatives for ... -
Small Estuarine and Non-Estuarine Mangrove Ecosystems of Tanzania: Overlooked Coastal Habitats?
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2016-03-23)Small estuaries and non-estuarine habitats harboring mangroves are very important ecosystems which provide important ecosystem goods and services; such as provision of ecological niches for juvenile fishes and invertebrates, ... -
The decline in phytoplankton biomass and prawn catches in the Rufiji-Mafia Channel, Tanzania
(African Journals Online, 2016-11-27)The world’s oceans have seen significant declines in phytoplankton-the primary food source in the marine environment. This decline in primary producers is likely to impact the food chain and functions of most coastal and ... -
Fisheries Statistics for Lake Victoria, Tanzania
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017-11-29)Time series fisheries statistics data mainly from Frame Surveys, Catch Assessment Surveys and Fisheries Annual Statistics Reports for Lake Victoria from 1967–2016 were collected from the Fisheries Development Division in ... -
Co-management of Lake Victoria Fisheries
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017-11-29)There have been concerns about the declining fish catches and fisheries ecosystem health for a number of fisheries including Lake Victoria. Consequently, a co-management system has been introduced as a means of, among ... -
Environmental Changes in the Tanzanian Part of Lake Victoria
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG., 2017-11-29)Lake Victoria is known for its explosive speciation and recent time hybridization, which is highly mediated by deterioration of water quality. This chapter summarizes the knowledge on change of water quality and environment ... -
The influence of physical-chemical variables on the spatial and seasonal variation of Chlorophyll-a in coastal waters of Unguja, Zanzibar, Tanzania
(African Journals Online, 2018-12-11)Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations were measured at four sites around Unguja, Zanzibar during the northeast (NE) and southeast (SE) monsoon seasons. Data for Chl-a, nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, dissolved ...