Research Articles [MEWES]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 543
A review on strategies to optimize metabolic stages of anaerobic digestion of municipal solid wastes towards enhanced resources recovery
(BMC, 2019)Recently, there are increased efforts by municipals and researchers to investigate the potential of utilizing municipal solid wastes (MSW) for resources recovery. In many parts of developing countries, MSW is mostly collected ... -
Experimental Investigation of Soapstone and Granite Rocks as Energy-Storage Materials for Concentrated Solar Power Generation and Solar Drying Technology
(ACS Omega, 2023)The intermittence of solar energy resource in concentrated solar power (CSP) generation and solar drying applications can be mitigated by employing thermal energy storage materials. Natural rocks are well recommended thermal ... -
Distribution and yield of trace metals from the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro to the coastal of Indian Ocean: impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors
(ESS Open Archive, 2022)Cases of water related diseases due to metal pollution are increasing over the global. The condition is serious to most of developing countries as a results of industrialization and population growth. Dissolved and particulate ... -
Multi-variate regression analysis of lake level variability: A case of semi-closed, shallow rift valley lake in Northern Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2022)Lakes are very important for domestic use, commercial purposes, and ecosystem sustenance; nevertheless, studies on how different stressors influence water resources are limited, posing challenges in the planning and ... -
Sources of Nitrate in Ground Water Aquifers of the Semiarid Region of Tanzania
(Hindawi, 2021)Nitrate isotopic values are often used as a tool to identify sources of nitrate in order to effectively manage ground water quality. In this study, the concentrations of NO3−, NO2−, and NH4+ from 50 boreholes and shallow ... -
Design and Performance Analysis of Composite Airfoil Wind Turbine Blade
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2021)Small horizontal axis wind turbine rotors with composite airfoil rotor blades were designed and investigated in the present study in order to improve its performance in low wind speed and low Reynolds number (Re) conditions ... -
The role of textural properties and surface chemistry of activated carbon support in catalytic deoxygenation of triglycerides into renewable diesel
(Elseiver, 2023-07)The textural properties and surface chemistry of activated carbon support are commonly known to have influ- ence on the catalytic performance of catalysts. Many authors have assessed the effect of textural properties ... -
Cattle dung production, management and utilization practices in the smallholding dairy farming systems of East Africa: A situational analysis in Lushoto District, Tanzani
(INNSPUB, 2018-04-30)This focus review aims to update the dung and manure production, management and utilization in the East African countries and its associated challenges particularly in the case of Lushoto district, in northern ... -
Assessment of Fluoride Bioaccumulation Potential in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Reared in Fluoride Rich Water
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2021-05)Fluoride bioaccumulation in fish poses a significant impact on their growth, survival and consequently to upper trophic levels. Few studies have reported the impacts of high fluoride concentrations and their accumulation ... -
Physicochemical and microbiological characterization and of hospital wastewater in Tanzania
(Elseiver, 2023-08-25)Given the complex composition of hospital wastewater and the high risk of initiating disease outbreaks, comprehensive monitoring and treatment of hospital wastewater are required to prevent social and environmental ... -
Fluoride Variations in Rivers on the Slopes of Mount Meru in Tanzania
(Hindawi, 2018-01-23)This study reports the variations of fluoride ions in rivers on the slopes of Mount Meru in the northern part of Tanzania. More than 318 water samples were collected from Temi, Nduruma, Tengeru, and Maji ya Chai Rivers in ... -
Cockle (Anadara granosa) shells-based hydroxyapatite and its potential for defluoridation of drinking water
(Elsevier, 2022-02-27)The present study describes the synthesis and characterization of a hydroxyapatite (HAp)-based adsorbent derived from biogenic cockle (Anadara granosa) shells for the defluoridation of drinking water. The raw cockle shells ... -
Natural Groundwater Recharge Response to Climate Variability and Land Cover Change Perturbations in Basins with Contrasting Climate and Geology in Tanzania
(MDPI, 2021-08-30)The response of aquifers with contrasting climate and geology to climate and land cover change perturbations through natural groundwater recharge remains inadequately understood. In Tanzania and elsewhere in the world, ... -
Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Hospital Wastewater
(Applied Microbiology, 2023-07-08)Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in treated hospital wastewater effluents constitute a major environmental and public health concern. The aim of this study was to investigate the ... -
Physicochemical and microbiological characterization and of hospital wastewater in Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2023-08-25)Given the complex composition of hospital wastewater and the high risk of initiating disease outbreaks, comprehensive monitoring and treatment of hospital wastewater are required to prevent social and environmental ... -
Overview of feed resources condition and feeding practices among the smallholder dairy farmers in Tanzania
(RUFORUM Working Document Series, 2016)In Tanzania, most smallholder dairy farmers rely on on-farm resources for feeding their livestock. These on-farm feed resources include grasses, legumes, crop residues, cereals and oilseed byproducts. These feed resources, ... -
Production Diversity, Men’s Help with Household Tasks, & Lower Women’s Depression Mediate Impact of an Agriculture Intervention on Child’s Dietary Diversity in Tanzania (FS01-06-19)
(Elsevier, 2019-06-01)Production diversity and women’s empowerment are two ways by which nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions are thought to improve children’s diet, but, few empirical studies have tested these pathways. We therefore ... -
Tackling soil degradation and environmental changes in Lake Manyara Basin, Tanzania to support sustainable landscape/ecosystem management.
(EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2017-04)The Lake Manyara Basin (LMB), which encompasses Lake Manyara National Park a world ranking World Biosphere Reserve, is of great ecological and socio-economic value because it hosts a small-holder rain fed and extensive ... -
Cattle dung production, management and utilization practices in the smallholding dairy farming systems of East Africa: A situational analysis in Lushoto District, Tanzania
(Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 2018-04-30)This focus review aims to update the dung and manure production, management and utilization in the East African countries and its associated challenges particularly in the case of Lushoto district, in northern Tanzania. ... -
Radon Mass Exhalation Rates of Selected Building Materials in Tanzania
(Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2015)This study aimed at determining the mass radon exhalation rate of Tanzania Portland cements and their raw materials for assessment of the radiological hazards due to use of those materials in residential construction. ...