Research Articles [MEWES]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 543
Household food insecurity and gender inequity is associated with high prevalence of maternal depression amongst female farmers with young children in rural Tanzania
(The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 2018-10-03)There is growing recognition of the importance of maternal mental health for the well-being of both mothers and children. In addition to being of importance to public health concern on its own right, maternal depression ... -
Investigating Cutoff Technique for Improved Water Saving and Productivity in Furrow Irrigation System
(Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 2021-10-04)The cutoff technique has not been adequately investigated despite being the most practiced among smallholder farmers. This study aimed at scenarios of improving water application efficiency, distribution uniformity, and ... -
Efficacy of Aqueous Extracts from Syzygium aromaticum, Tephrosia vogelii, and Croton dichogamus against Myzus persicae on Brassica oleracea in Northern Tanzania
(Hindawi Limited, 2021-07-19)The effectiveness of 1, 5, and 10% w/v of aqueous extracts of Croton dichogamus, Tephrosia vogelii, and Syzygium aromaticum and their mixture (2.5 and 5%) was evaluated against Myzus persicae on Brassica oleracea under ... -
Influence of phosphate fertilizers on the radioactivity of agricultural soils and tobacco plants in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023-06-20)Three brands of NPK fertilizers that contain variable concentrations of natural radioactivity are commonly used in tobacco plantations in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Tobacco plants are known for hyper-accumulation of ... -
What Proportion Counts? Disaggregating Access to Safely Managed Sanitation in an Emerging Town in Tanzania
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019-09-10)Abstract: Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.2 sets an ambitious target of leaving no-one without adequate and equitable sanitation by 2030. The key concern is the lack of local human and financial capital to fund the ... -
Building partnership for participatory sanitation and hygiene planning: lessons and experience from Tanzania
(WEDC International Conference, 2018-10-29) -
Fluoride Sorption Using Zirconium ion-impregnated Macadamia Nutshell-Derived Biochar from Aqueous Solution: Adsorption Isotherms and Kinetic Modeling
(Research Article, 2022-11-26)Zirconium ion-impregnated macadamia nutshell biochar (ZMNB) was synthesized and tested for its fluoride sorption capacity by exploiting batch experiments. Four temperatures (300, 400, 500, and 600 ℃) were used to pyrolyze ... -
Assessment of agrochemical residues in wastewater from selected horticultural farms in Arusha, Tanzania
(International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015-09-07)Arusha region in Tanzania has been involved for quite some time on commercial horticulture. The use of agrochemicals results to increased crop productivity and consequently offers farmers major economic returns. However, ... -
Synthesis and FTIR Characterization of Mg-Hydroxylapatite Derived from Dolostone with High Dolomite Mineral Content
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2020-08-24)We present the synthesis of magnesium-substituted hydroxylapatite starting from locally available dolostone. The apatite was prepared by a reaction between heat pre-treated dolostone powder with phosphoric acid, maintained ... -
Anaerobic digestion of banana winery effluent for biogas production
(International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy, 2014-09-30)he efficiency of banana winery effluent (BWE) in biogas production through improving fermentation process was investigated in this study. The study was conducted in a batch system under mesophilic temperature of 35oC ... -
Assessment of Technology Options Addressing Agricultural Production Constraints in Western Kenya
(Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2013-03-29)Poor soil fertility and weed infestation are among major constraints facing agricultural production in Western Kenya. Recommended technologies differ in resource requirement and their effectiveness ... -
Uranium in phosphate rocks and mineral fertilizers applied to agricultural soils in East Africa
(Springer Link, 2022-12-11)Phosphate rock, pre-concentrated phosphate ore, is the primary raw material for the production of mineral phosphate fertilizer. Phosphate rock is among the fifth most mined materials on earth, and it is also mined and ... -
Yield and Fiscal Benefits of Rhizobium Inoculation Supplemented with Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) in Climbing Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Grown in Northern Tanzania
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015)Both field and green house experiments were intended to investigate and evaluate the outcome of rhizobial inoculation supplemented with P and K on climbing beans production in northern Tan zania. The results obtained ... -
Soil erosion and sediment transport in Tanzania: Part I – sediment source tracing in three neighbouring river catchments
(Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021-12)Water bodies in Tanzania are experiencing increased siltation, which is threatening water quality, ecosystem health, and livelihood security in the region. This phenomenon is caused by increasing rates of upstream soil ... -
Numerical Analysis of Heat Exchanger for Spray-Assisted Low-Temperature Desalination System
(Hindawi, 2020-12-12)A numerical study for heat exchanger for spray-assisted low-temperature desalination system is presented for an existing low-temperature desalination unit at Arusha Technical College. This is aimed at recognizing the effect ... -
Investigation of Aloe lateritia Gel as Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in 2 M HNO3 and 1 M H2SO4 Media
(Scientific Research, 2016-01-15)Corrsion inhibition of Aloe lateritia gel for Mild steel in 2 M HNO 3 and 1 M H 2 SO 4 solutions was in- vestigated by potentiodynamic polarization, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Foutier transform infrared ... -
Assessment of fluoride removal in a batch electrocoagulation process: A case study in the Mount Meru Enclave.
(Elseiver, 2021-03-01)The presence of excessive amounts of fluoride than prescribed standards has been reported in various sources of domestic water supply around the slopes of Mount Meru and other parts in Tanzania. Efforts to remove the ... -
Harmful algal bloom and associated health risks among users of Lake Victoria freshwater: Ukerewe Island, Tanzania
(J Water Health, 2019-07-24)There is a global concern regarding the occurrences of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and their effects on human health. Lake Victoria (LV) has been reported to face eutrophication challenges, resulting in an increase of ... -
Removal of lamivudine from synthetic solution using jamun seed (Syzygium cumini) biochar adsorbent
(Emerging Contaminants, 2023-09-01)Antiviral drugs such as lamivudine have been globally identified in the environment and marked as emerging pollutants of concern due to their bioactive extremity. Following therapeutic uses, approximately 70% of the oral ... -
The Potential of Common Beneficial Insects and Strategies for Maintaining Them in Bean Fields of Sub Saharan Africa
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2016-02-10)Beneficial insects provide natural ecosystem services such as biological control of pests, soil for mation, nutrient cycling and pollination of plants. Beneficial insects include pollinators important in the essential ...