Research Articles [MEWES]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 501-520 of 544
Nutrients’ distribution and their impact on Pangani River Basin’s ecosystem – Tanzania
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2017-05-05)Surface and groundwater from Pangani River Basin (PRB) were sampled in dry and wet seasons, analysed for dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients (N, P, Si and Urea). There was spatial and seasonal nutrients’ variability, ... -
Hydrogeochemical characteristics and spatial distribution of groundwater quality in Arusha well fields, Northern Tanzania
(Springer, 2018-07-09)Arusha aquifers have been exploited intensively serving as the main source of domestic water supply in the city. But the quality of groundwater is not clearly documented for future planning and management. Hydrogeochemical ... -
Experimental analysis of air flow patterns in perfomance of flat plate solar collectors
(African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015-02-05)Solar drying is one of the promising methods of reducing post-harvest losses in rural areas. Studies have shown that, heat transfer mechanisms in a solar collector influences the performance of solar dryers. This study ... -
Operating Conditions of A Locally Made Fixed-Bed Incinerator, a Case Study of Bagamoyo – Tanzania
(Science Publishing Group, 2015-03-18)To minimize the pollution from municipal solid waste incinerators, the study of operating conditions is imperative. The local design incinerators can be used for high performance combustion and minimize pollutions. The ... -
Mass And Energy Balance For Fixed Bed Incinerators
(Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST), 2015-09)An estimation of mass and energy balance of an incinerator is an important consideration toward the design and operation of the incineration process. This paper is aimed to study the mass and energy balance of a locally ... -
A review of the challenges and opportunities for water reuse in irrigation with a focus on its prospects in Tanzania
(Int. J. Environmental Engineering, 2015)Water reuse is one of the potential ways to complement the existing portable water sources. Its adoption is becoming of interest due to water shortages in many parts of the world. Its implementation is supported by several ... -
Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste
(Regional Collaboration Conference, 2014-07)Energy flow analysis and thermal degradation of municipal solid waste was carried out using differential scanning calorimetry and thermo-gravimetric analyzer at heating rates of 10 K/min, 20 K/min, 30 K/min and 40 K/min ... -
The influence of stereochemistry of the active compounds on fluoride adsorption efficiency of the plant biomass
(Science Publishing Group, 2014-08-20)Several studies have reported various defluoridation capabilities of plant biomasses. The resultant variations in fluoride removal capacities are associated with the presence of different types of active functional groups ... -
Water hardness removal by coconut shell activated carbon
(Science Publishing Group, 2014-08-30)The present study reports the water softening by adsorption of hardness ions onto Coconut Shell Activated Carbons (CSAC). Characterization of CSAC was identified by FT-IR and SEM techniques. Batch experiments were ... -
Wastewater Treatment and other Research Initiatives with Vetiver Grass
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2003)This paper described the role of substrate (soil) with respect to the type of macrophytes (plants) planted in the wastewater treatment in Horizontal Subsurface Flow (HSSF) Constructed wetlands (CWs). Wastewater parameters ... -
Analysis of Different Techniques for Improving Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors for Fruits Drying
(Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (TJET), 2014-06)Fruits drying had become a broader technology in fruits and vegetables value addition. The technology is reported to be a promising way of dying without incurring higher cost but its adaptation has not been feasible in ... -
Effect of Glass Thickness on Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors for Fruits Drying
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014)This study aimed at investigating the effect of thickness of glazing material on the performance of flat plate solar collectors. Performance of solar collector is affected by glaze transmittance, absorptance, and reflectance ... -
Energy Recovery routes from Municipal Solid Waste : A case study of Arusha-Tanzania
(Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 2014)A study of energy recovery from municipal solid waste was undertaken. The energy content of the solid waste is 12MJ/kg. The elemental composition shows that the municipal solid waste contains 50% and 5% of carbon and hydrogen ... -
Development of a cost-benefit analysis approach for water reuse in irrigation
(Science Publishing Group, 2014-10-10)Water reuse is one of the alternatives to counteract the already experienced water shortages. However water reuse as any other investment is associated with costs. This article looks at water reuse for irrigation as one ... -
Agrochemicals use in horticulture industry in Tanzania and their potential impact to water resources
(International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2014-04)The objective of this review was to analyze the existing information on the use of agrochemicals (Fertilizers and Pesticides) in the Tanzanian horticulture industry especially the Northern regions and their potential to ... -
Factors influencing solid waste generation and composition in urban areas of Tanzania: The case of Dar-es -Salaam
(Science Publishing Group, 2014-07-30)Solid waste characterisation study was carried in Dar-es-Salaam to quantify the waste generation rates and composition. By studying solid waste generation trends for three socioeconomic statuses, it was found that the ... -
Win-win-win wastewater treatment: affordable hygienic solutions that enable reuse of water and nutrients to sustain food security and support mitigation of climate change.
(International Conference on Water Management Issues in Africa, At Mauritius, 2012-03)The lack of access to safe drinking water and hygienic sanitation is still a major health treat for many Africans. Especially in poor communities the situation is threatening as these vulnerable communities are often ... -
Integrated Process for Sustainable Agro-process Waste Treatment and Climate Change Mitigation in Eastern Africa
(International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), 2011-11)Eastern Africa countries are faced with similar development challenges including high population growth rate, low agricultural productivity, increasing number of agro-processing industries, pollution and contamination ... -
Anaerobic treatment of tannery wastewater using ASBR for methane recovery and greenhouse gas emission mitigation
(Elsevier, 2017-10)The objective of this study was to develop and optimize a pilot scale Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR) for the treatment tannery wastewater and reduction of greenhouse gas emission. The performance of the pilot ... -
The application of nutrient budget models to determine the ecosystem health of the Wami Estuary, Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2018-04)Using the LOICZ and the UEE models we estimated the nutrient budget in the Wami River estuary, Tanzania, to better understand the functioning of the ecosystem and assess its health. We found that during the wet season, ...