Research Articles [MEWES]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 521-540 of 544
Potentials of agric wastes activated carbons for water softening
(Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2014)Various studies have been conducted to address softening of hard water. Ion exchange, electro-based techniques, membrane filtration and adsorption are the most reported techniques in softening hard water. In the present work, ... -
Potential of municipal solid waste, as renewable energy source : a case study of Arusha, Tanzania.
(International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology Research, 2014-06)This paper presents the study of municipal solid waste (MSW) as a potential source of renewable energy in Arusha city. The city of Arusha annual average MSW generated was estimated at 43,772 tonnes. Characterization ... -
Plant biomasses for defluoridation appropriateness : unlocking their potentials
(Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2014)Fluoride and fluorosis are endemic to many countries including Tanzania. Performances of different materials for use in water defluoridation systems have been reported. Some of these materials are; alum, oxides and hydroxide ... -
Influence of Macrophyte Types towards Agrochemical Phytoremediation in a Tropical Environment
(International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 2014-09)The presence of agrochemicals waste water from agricultural fields poses major environmental and human health problems which may be solved by phytoremediation technologies. Phytoremediation is the use of plants to remediate ... -
Water quality in earthen dams and potential health impacts: case of Nadosoito Dam, Tanzania
(IWA Publishing, 2018-09-01)The aim of the study was to assess seasonal water quality variations in an earthen dam and their potential impact on the health of those using the water for domestic purposes. High values of chemical oxygen demand, from ... -
Water defluoridation by Fe(III)-loaded sisal fibre: Understanding the influence of the preparation pathways on biosorbents’ defluoridation properties
(Elsevier, 2019-01-19)Defluoridation properties of two Fe(III)-loaded plant biomass (Fe(III)-activated sisal fibre (Fe(III)-ASF) and post-alkalized Fe(III)-ASF (PA-Fe(III)-ASF)) distinguished by preparation pathways through exclusion/inclusion ... -
Influence of scoria and pumice on key performance indicators of Portland cement concrete
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019-02-10)Cement industries have a huge CO2 signature that can be reduced in an effort to mitigate climate change via precise cement substitution with supplementary cementing materials (SCMs). The substituting materials and their ... -
Phosphorus recovery as calcium phosphate by a pellet reactor pre-treating domestic wastewater before entering a constructed wetland
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019-07)Horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands poorly remove phosphorus from wastewater, resulting in phosphorus levels above the required limits in constructed wetland effluents. Since a pellet reactor can recover ... -
Comparative Study of Pb2+ Removals and Isotherms by Physically - and Chemically - Modified Agro - Wastes from Tanzania
(Gwangju Institution of Science and Technology, 2016)Materials and Methods Raw corn and rice husk were washed several times using DIW to remove extraneous dirt and contaminants. The husks were then dried at 110 ºC overnight to remove moisture. Dried husks were then ground ... -
Innovations and Sustainability: The Case of Improved Biomass Stoves' Adoption and Use in Tanzania
(Lund, Sweden – Spring, 2009)The adoption and continued use of improved stoves in the developing countries is of social, economic and environmental concern. In most developing countries, biomass-based energy accounts for more than 90% of all household ... -
Geochemical Distribution of Trace Elements in Groundwater from the North Mara Large-Scale Gold Mining Area of Tanzania
(Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 2016-05)The infl uence of large-scale mining operations on groundwater quality was investigated in this study. Trace element concentrations in groundwater samples from the North Mara mining area of northern Tanzania were analyzed. ... -
Comparative sorption isotherms and removal studies for Pb(II) by physical and thermochemical modification of low-cost agro-wastes from Tanzania
(Elsevier, 2018-03)Corn and rice husks, agro-wastes available in large quantities in Tanzania, were used to remove Pb2+ from aqueous solution. Husks were used in raw form, pyrolyzed form, and chemically modified form. Material characterization ... -
Morphological and Chemical Composition Characterization of Commercial Sepia Melanin
(Science and Education Publishing, 2015)Melanins are difficult to characterize because of their intractable chemical properties and the heterogeneity in their structural features. Melanin pigments, in fact, are composed of many different types of monomeric units ... -
Natural Dye Sensitizer for Grӓtzel Cells: Sepia Melanin
(Science and Education Publishing, 2015)The efficiency of Grätzel cell can be further improved by the anchoring groups, such as COOH to be adsorbed onto the TiO2 surface with a large electronic coupling. Some of the most efficient sensitizers are synthetic dyes ... -
Assessment of sources and transformation of nitrate in groundwater on the slopes of Mount Meru, Tanzania
(Springer, 2016-01-25)The stable isotope compositions of nitrogen-nitrate (15N-NO3) and oxygen-nitrate (18O-NO3), and concentration of nutrients (NO3- NH4+, NO2 -, PO4 3- ) for water samples collected from springs, shallow wells and boreholes ... -
Heavy Metals Contamination in Agricultural Soil and Rice in Tanzania: A Review
(Science Publishing Group, 2016-02-17)Heavy metals contamination in agricultural soil is a potential environmental threat to the safety of agricultural food crops such as rice which is consumed by majority of Tanzanians. The aim of this review is to put ... -
Water-Handling Patterns and Associated Microbial Profiles in relation to Hygiene in Babati Town, Tanzania
(Hindawi Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2019-05-20)In rapidly urbanizing centres in Tanzania, water supply infrastructure lags behind the speed of urbanization, affecting water availability and accessibility. We believe that inhabitants’ access water using various ways ... -
Removal capacity of faecal pathogens from wastewater by four wetland vegetation: Typha latifolia, Cyperus papyrus, Cyperus alternifolius and Phragmites australis
(African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2016-05-21)The ability of four wetland vegetation: Typha latifolia, Cyperus papyrus, Cyperus alternifolius and Phragmites mauritianus in removing pathogenic and indicator microorganisms in the wetlands were studied in bucket experiments. ... -
The properties of feldspathic dental porcelain from Tanzanian aluminosilicate materials
(International Journal of Development Research, 2014-11-18)Kaolin and quartz from Pugu and feldspar from Morogoro were used to produce feldspathic dental porcelain bodies. Mineralogical results from XRD revealed the presence of kaolinite, illite, microcline and clinochlore in the ... -
Theoretical Design of Complex Molecule via Combination of Natural Lawsone and Synthetic Indoline D131 Dyes for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Application
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2018-10-31)The dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have been extensively studied due to their low production cost and simple fabrication process. Dye co-sensitization broadens the absorption spectrum of the sensitizer; thus enhances ...