Browsing Masters Theses and Dissertations [LISBE] by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 134
Acaricidal investigation of commiphora swynnertonii (burtt) stem bark exudate
(NM-AIST, 2017-12)The present study was carried out to investigate acaricidal potencies of Commiphora swynnertonii (Burtt) stem bark exudate against ticks Rhepicephalus appendiculatus and evaluate its toxicity using mice and rats. Commiphora ... -
Access to healthcare for people with physical disability in Tanzania: a case of Singida rural district, Singida-Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2022-08)This cross-sectional study explored the availability and affordability of healthcare services for people with a physical disability (PWPDs). Also, it determined whether the existing infrastructure at health facilities ... -
Air pollution exposure and non-communicable respiratory diseases among fish vendors in Bagamoyo and Kunduchi fish markets in Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)Approximately 2.6 billion people in the world use polluting fuels in cooking. Small-scale fish vendors in Bagamoyo and Kunduchi fish markets rely on use of firewood in frying fish for business purposes. Unfortunately, ... -
Analysis of plasma biomarkers and their association with treatment response in patients with tuberculosis
(NM-AIST, 2019-04)Human tuberculosis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Pulmonary tuberculosis is the result of the failure of host immune system to control mycobacterium tuberculosis. The aim of the ... -
Anthropogenic disturbance and chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) habitat use in the Masito-Ugalla ecosystem, Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2021-12)The habitat quality of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), including the availability of food and nesting resources, is important to ensure the long-term survival of chimpanzees. Botanical composition of vegetation is spatially ... -
Antimalarial potential and phytochemical composition of fractions of Lippia kituiensis Vatke (Verbenaceae) growing in Northern Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2020-07)Despite past decades of steady advances in reducing severity of Malaria, statistics show that the disease continues to pose a serious threat to human health. Previous successes in development of antimalarial drugs from ... -
Antimicrobial and cytotoxicity activities of conyza bonariensis, tribulus terrestris and rubia cordifolia growing in Arusha, Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2019-03)The aim of this study was to evaluate antimicrobial, synergistic and cytotoxicity activities of Conyza bonariensis, Tribulus terrestris and Rubia cordifolia growing in Tanzania. Two fungal strains, four Gram-negative ... -
Antioxidant activity of stem bark methanolic extract of Acacia nilotica in controlling organophosphate pesticides toxicity in mice
(NM-AIST, 2020-04)Organophosphate (OP) pesticides are reported to cause acute poisoning cases because of their ability to inhibit acetyl cholinesterase enzyme (AChE). Available antidotes are atropine sulfur, pralidoxime (2-pyridine ... -
Assessing Antibiotic-Resistance Patterns and Clinical outcomes among People-Living with Hiv/Aids with Features of Sepsis, in Northern Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)Mortality in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) remains substantial in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite sepsis being the major cause of mortality in PLHIV, its optimal management remains questionable due ... -
Assessing soil fertility status and pest infestation levels in selected banana growing regions of Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2020-06)Zanthoxylum chalybeum (Rutaceae) is subject to heavy exploitation throughout its areas of occurrence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite being a common medicinal plant utilized by a large population, little has been documented ... -
Assessing the accessibility, conservation and production of fodder for livestock for the agro pastoral societies in Magu district, Tanzania.
(NM_AIST, 2023-08)The access to adequate and high-quality livestock fodder has become a great challenge which in turn threatens the sustainability of the agro pastoral societies in Magu district. This study was done to assess the ... -
Assessing the productivity of Mchare Banana under drip irrigation and rainfed conditions in Northern Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2020-06)Mchare banana (Musa spp. AA genome) is a primary household’s source of diet and incomegenerating crop in the Northern part of Tanzania. Despite its importance and popularity, the yield records of Mchare - Huti Green ... -
Assessment of brucella infection status in abattoir workers and animals destined for slaughter at Dodoma modern abattoir, Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2019-04)Brucellosis is one of the most widespread zoonosis of serious public health and an obstacle to food safety and security and, socio-economic development in most African countries. A cross-sectional study was conducted to ... -
Assessment of characteristics and severity of giraffe skin disease in Tarangire, Manyara ecosystem
(NM-AIST, 2022-08)Giraffe Skin Disease (GSD) is a recently observed illness, mainly affecting adult and sub adult giraffes, causing gray or crusty lesions on giraffe body. The general objective of this study was to assess and characterize ... -
Assessment of environmental enteric dysfunction (eed) in Healthy and undernourished children-a crosstalk between eed and stunting
(NM-AIST, 2021-08)Undernutrition affects 20% of children under five in the developing world. Stunting is a prevalent form of undernutrition. Global prevalence of stunting in 2019 was 21.4%, while current Tanzania national average is ... -
Assessment of lifestyle risk factors among cardiovascular disease patients attending Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2019-04)Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have been the leading causes of hospital admissions in Tanzania. Hypertension (HTN) and coronary artery diseases (CHD) are two most common CVDs frequently diagnosed causes of deaths in ... -
Assessment of needs and contents of a customized digital tool for retention to care and Medication adherence among pregnant and Breastfeeding women living with HIV/AIDS in Kilimanjaro
(NM-AIST, 2023-08)Retention in care and adherence to medication among pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV (PBWLH) are crucial for prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Wide coverage of mobile phones, ... -
Assessment of nutritional status and dietary aflatoxins exposure in Children in Singida District Council
(NM-AIST, 2021-07)Feeding practices are the critical determinant of the growth and development of children during the first 1000 days of life with a long time effect on adulthood. This study aimed at assessing the diversity and safety ... -
Assessment of physical chemical parameters of cashew apples from selected cashew varieties grown in Tanzania
(NM-AIST, 2017-12)Cashew apple fruits are deserted by majority of cashew nuts producers despite of being rich in useful nutrients namely vitamins, minerals and sugar. This study was carried out to determine the physico-chemical parameters ... -
Assessment of risk factors and prevalence of campylobacter and salmonella in chickens under different production systems
(NM-AIST, 2019-01)The human population growth and increased urbanization in Tanzania, stimulates emerging of new livestock systems with variable intensification levels. In poultry production, traditional free-range backyard farming is now ...